3 effective tricks to whiten clothes without using bleach

White linen is often considered difficult to care for. Very quickly, white clothing and underwear can become stained, leave a halo, and accumulate dirt. Additionally, to keep clothes bright white, it is often necessary to remove embedded stains before putting them in the washing machine. In this article we give you 3 home tricks to whiten clothes without damaging them and without using bleach.

Stains from chocolate, oil, red wine, blood or mud can become embedded in white clothing and become difficult to remove. To remove tough stains and whiten bedding, some use bleach before machine washing. But despite its effectiveness in whitening clothes, bleach is still a corrosive and toxic product that poses risks to health and the environment. To have white clothes like new, here are 3 natural solutions that you should know.

3 tips to whiten clothes without bleach

To revive the shine of a white garment without using bleach or other chemicals, there are 3 foolproof tips:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate
sodium bicarbonate

Baking soda is considered a miracle product that can be used in many ways around the home. This white powder is an unmatched ally for cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining your home. To whiten your clothes, you can use this multipurpose powder. In a container, mix four liters of water with one cup of baking soda and then soak your white clothes. Leave it on for 1 hour and then put it in the washing machine to complete the cleaning. Your clothes will turn out whiter than white!

  1. aspirin

Aspirin is a very effective trick to remove an embedded stain and traces of sweat that appear on a white garment. Simply dissolve five aspirin tablets in a bowl filled with cold water and then soak your clothes in the liquid for 1 hour. Then, put your clothes in the washing machine to make them look like new.

  1. White vinegar
white laundry vinegar

White vinegar is known for its disinfecting, whitening, softening and deodorizing properties. To preserve the softness of white clothes and revive their shine, you can pour 3 cups of white vinegar into your washing machine before starting the program. Not only will you be able to say goodbye to stubborn stains, but you will also be able to enjoy sparkling clean white clothes.

The risks of using bleach

With washing, most find that their white clothes lose shine and become dull. To lighten them and revive their whiteness, there are those who think that bleaching is an essential product. Composed of sodium hypochlorite and chlorine, bleach is known for its antibacterial, whitening, and disinfecting properties.

However, this chemical presents significant risks to its users but also to the environment. In fact, improper handling of bleach can cause irritation and burns to the skin and eyes. In addition, a mixture with other cleaning products can release toxic gases and affect the respiratory tract. According to a scientific study, the use of bleach promotes respiratory and ENT infections, especially in children between 6 and 12 years old. In addition, this corrosive product can destroy metals and release gases harmful to the environment.