3 natural products to clean the bathroom

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If there is one room that needs to be carefully maintained, it is the bathroom. Between germs, bacteria and limescale deposits, stains can be daunting. Don’t panic! There are natural and effective tricks for cleaning the bathroom without using chemicals that are harmful to your health. Lighting.

Due to its frequency of use, the bathroom is a room that tends to get dirty quickly. Furthermore, the humidity present favors the development of mold and limescale deposits. Although they are effective in combating these inconveniences, some household products can be expensive and harmful to your health. Luckily, there are natural ingredients that will keep your bathroom clean.

What products can be used to clean the bathroom?

As mentioned before, the bathroom is a room that requires particular attention, especially in terms of cleaning and maintenance, in order to limit the spread of germs and bacteria. Indeed, the disinfection of the latter can be carried out quickly using a combination of natural and economical products. To do this,  you will need baking soda, salt, and an essential oil of your choice . This mixture will allow you to clean, perfume and make your bathroom shine.

Clean bathroom.  Source: SPM

Baking soda and salt

To do this, nothing could be simpler! Pour 125 g of baking soda into a container, then add 40 g of salt ,  as well as  a few drops of essential oil , then mix all the ingredients well. You can then use the solution obtained to clean bathroom fixtures and taps. Simply pour it onto the affected surface and then wipe with a damp cloth. For toilets, pour the solution on the internal walls, leave for 5 to 10 minutes and then scrub with a toilet brush before flushing, once cleaning is complete.

In addition to its abrasive properties, baking soda also helps neutralize bad odors. Thanks to this combination of natural products, you will be able to remove traces of dirt and limescale.

If you’re having trouble cleaning your bathroom, these natural tricks are here to help. Besides being easy to use, the result will surely surprise you.

White vinegar

White vinegar is equally effective for cleaning the bathroom, fighting limescale, mold and dirt . Antiseptic, descaling and bactericidal,  it will be able  to eliminate all the stains that develop over time . To make your bathroom shine, pour white vinegar onto a sponge, scrub the surface, and rinse with clean water to finish. In this way, your bathroom will regain its cleanliness and shine.

Clean the faucet with a cloth.  Source: SPM

Black soap

In terms of effectiveness, black soap tops the list of natural ingredients to use for bathroom maintenance. Multipurpose product,  it can be used to clean  porous surfaces for which white vinegar or other stronger products are not recommended . It is also recommended for making white enamel bathtubs shine, without the risk of damaging them. Thanks to this product, your bathroom will regain its shine.

The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in the house and therefore requires rigorous cleaning. With these natural tricks, you won’t need to resort to chemicals to make your bathroom shine.