3 tips to renew plastic garden chairs and tables

Garden chairs and tables are pieces of furniture that should not be overlooked. Constantly exposed to the ambient climate and possible bad weather, they deserve regular maintenance. Because yes, between the rain, the sun and the cold, they are not saved. They get dirty quickly and often look sad. So how to care for this furniture and make it look fresh again? We reveal our advice to you…

Perfect for relaxing moments during evenings with friends outdoors or for picnics on the terrace or in the garden, plastic furniture is essential. Are you thinking about taking advantage of your outdoor trips soon to let yourself be caressed by the pleasant afternoon air? Therefore, it is more than ever time to renew your plastic chairs and tables. He went away.

Dirty garden furniture

How to clean and revive the color of plastic garden chairs and tables?

Before you want to take advantage of the outdoors to relax, it would certainly be time to take care of your garden chairs and tables. Even more so if they are white of course! We are not teaching you anything by telling you that over time and due to external factors, this furniture gets dirty easily and is likely to get stains if it is not cleaned regularly. Is this the case with your garden furniture? If so, it’s time to roll up your sleeves! These tricks are there to help you relive them in moments:Ezoic

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The white vinegar cleaning method

To restore your garden furniture to its former glory, you probably have everything you need at home! White vinegar hidden somewhere in your pantry is very effective at reviving its color. Thanks to its cleaning and stain-removing power   that needs no introduction, it can whiten your plastic garden chairs in a few moments. Here’s how you can do it:Ezoic

  1. Start by making a mixture of one part white vinegar and two parts water;
  2. Stir well so that the white vinegar is properly diluted in the water;
  3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to plastic lawn chairs and tables. It is also preferable to insist especially on the areas most prone to dirt;
  4. Let it act for a few minutes;
  5. Gently wipe your garden furniture with a soft cloth and admire the result. Dirt disappears like magic! The chair should return to its original color.

If, on the other hand, the dirt turns out to be more resistant than expected, you can also prepare a spray bottle in which you mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 tablespoon of water. Apply to the surfaces to be treated, let it act for a few minutes and rub gently. Do not hesitate to repeat the operation if necessary.

The Marseille soap trick

Pile of Marseille soaps

Here you have a very simple but very useful product to clean all types of surfaces at home naturally and very effectively. If you often rely on Marseille soap to whiten your clothes,  well, the same can be said for its ability to whiten your garden furniture! To turn it into a garden furniture cleaner you just have to follow a few very simple steps:

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  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of liquid Marseille soap into 1.5 liters of warm water;
  2. Pour soapy water into a spray bottle;
  3. Stir copiously and… that’s it!
  4. Simply spray the chair or table, focusing more on the dirty parts, then let it sit for a few minutes;
  5. Wipe with a soft, clean cloth and rub vigorously;
  6. Your garden furniture is all clean;
  7. All that’s left is to let it dry.

Baking soda and lemon duo

Does your garden furniture not seem easy to clean? We suggest you rely on one duo in particular: baking soda and lemon. The slightly abrasive property of baking soda along with the natural acid in lemon  (citric acid) is all you need! Both ingredients have the ability to break down dirt in the resin without the risk of leaving marks on the material.

  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice with 5 tablespoons of baking soda and a small amount of water. Put enough to obtain a sufficiently consistent dough;
  2. Using a sponge, apply the paste to your garden furniture or patio furniture;
  3. Leave it on for a few minutes after application;
  4. Use a soft damp cloth to remove the product, then rinse and air dry. Well that’s it !

No need to resort to harsh chemical-based methods to have snow-white chairs! With these simple tips, your garden furniture will regain its former glory without too much difficulty.

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