4 surprising solutions to make mattresses white again

If many of us neglect mattress care, it is mainly because it is not an easy task. However, this is an important task as dust, dirt and sweat marks can accumulate there. Instead of resorting to toxic and expensive professional cleaning products, discover the best solutions to restore the whiteness of your mattress.

Dishwashing liquid

The easiest and cheapest solution is to use liquid detergent. Here we explain how to do it.

Boil 100cl of water and add a few tablespoons of liquid detergent. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous solution. Apply the liquid to the dirty area of ​​the mattress with a sponge and rub it in. Rinse well, avoiding streaks. Then dry with a towel or a dry cloth. Place it outside so that it can dry well in the sunlight.

Soda crystal

Soda crystals are among the most effective stain removers.

First, put on your gloves and add 30g of soda crystals to 200cl of hot water. Take a sponge or cloth and soak it in the solution. Squeeze out the water and rub the dirty surface of the mattress. Next, take a clean towel dampened with water to remove any residue. Finally, let it air dry.


Mix baking soda with a little water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the stained area of ​​the mattress. Let them act for a few moments. When the paste dries, remove the residue with a mask. Then wipe the area with a clean, damp towel. For stubborn stains, spray with white vinegar, rub in and rinse.

White wine vinegar

White vinegar is the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to whiten your mattress. For this natural solution, mix 50 cl of white vinegar with 20 cl of water and a few drops of liquid detergent. Dip a sponge or soft-bristled brush into the liquid and brush away the stain. Then wipe with a damp cloth and dry with a dry cloth.

These 100% natural solutions have removed stains from your mattress. Plus, your mattress will look shiny and white again without you having to spend too much money. If you want to see your mattress white again without spending too much money, think about these ecological and economical methods.