7 ingenious uses of vinegar on plants

Widely used in cooking and household cleaning, vinegar is one of those products that should never be missing from our homes. But did you know that vinegar can also be used on plants? In this article we explain how and what its benefits are.

Vinegar has excellent properties that can be useful in the garden in so many different ways. From insects to flowering, read on to see how this very powerful natural ingredient is a true ally for those with a green thumb.

Against ants

Apple cider vinegar is most appropriate for this use. If one of your plants has been invaded by ants, it’s time to use apple cider vinegar to remedy the situation.

Spray some apple cider vinegar around the plant and on the potting soil. Its acidic power will keep the ants away, and the plant can grow healthy and strong.

Against fungi

Being a very acidic product, vinegar can also help against fungi that attack plants and impair their growth.

Vinegar lowers the pH of the potting soil, making it a more hostile environment for fungi to thrive.

Mix a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water and spray it on the potting soil at least twice a week.

More flowering azaleas, gardenias and hydrangeas.

These types of flowering plants like moist potting soil. For this very reason, it is a good idea to mix 250 ml of white vinegar with 5 liters of water once a month and use this solution to water the plant.

Although this solution is most useful, an excess can have the opposite effect. Wait at least a month between applications.

Effective herbicide

The acidity of vinegar, annoying even to the sense of smell, if in excess can even kill a plant. For this very reason, vinegar can be used to kill weeds.

Spray pure vinegar directly on the plant you want to eliminate and wait a few days. If necessary, repeat the application until the plant dies.

Keep cats away

Those who have cats at home know how difficult their coexistence with plants can be. Not to mention those that loiter on roofs and in gardens.

Sprinkle some vinegar around plants to keep them safe from cats.

Cleaning pots

The degreasing, disinfecting and cleaning properties of vinegar can also be very useful in the garden. In fact, vinegar is most effective in returning pots to their original appearance, removing dirt and debris.

Mix two equal parts water and white vinegar and use the solution to clean the entire surface of the vase.

Making flowers last longer

Vinegar can be most useful in extending the life of flowers we put in water-filled vases. Add two tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar per liter of water.

The combination of vinegar and sugar will help make the plants last much longer.