Abundant flowers and roots of the orchid if you carry out this process once a month

Did you know that you can get abundant flowers and roots from the orchid if you carry out this procedure once a month? Let’s find out what the process is and how to carry it out!

There is a procedure that allows you to obtain abundant flowers and roots from the orchid if you use it once a month. What process is it? The procedure concerns the aerial roots of the orchid which must be treated in the same way as those in the pot. Let’s find out what you can do to have abundant roots and flowers!

rootless orchid

Because the orchid forms aerial roots

The aerial roots produced by orchids are a completely normal process for these plants because they inherit this characteristic from genetic factors of the species from which they descend.

These roots have the function of absorbing water and nutrients, anchoring the plant even more to the ground and, even if only minimally, contributing to photosynthesis . The behavior does not change when the plant is in the pot.

The roots of the orchid seek water and support from multiple sources to ensure their survival . Let’s say they behave like this instinctively and naturally, and it is good if the orchid stops producing roots because it feeds on the aerial roots.

This is generally because the soil is not suitable for orchid growth and therefore root production is concentrated outside the pot.

What to do with the aerial roots of orchids?

The aerial roots of the orchid should not be cut off, but rather moistened to promote growth. To prevent them from falling to the ground, it is recommended to place the pot in a larger pot, so that it is higher, and the aerial roots in Put a plastic glass with water. When the water is absorbed, fill the jar to give them the nutrition they need.

As previously mentioned, the roots of orchids that protrude from the pot should never be cut unless they are dry and dead. These roots give the plant charm and indicate its good health. If the orchid has aerial roots outside the pot, it is very likely that it has not suffered from water stagnation, so it is definitely healthy. a>

Avoid potting the aerial roots as there is a risk that they will not adapt to the bark and could therefore die. Another trick is to spray water over the aerial roots to keep the plant hydrated.

Lila Orchidee

When should orchid aerial roots be repotted?

If you don’t want to see these roots outside the plant, then repot them but do not cut them. However, you must the aerial roots of the orchid to a higher humidity before repotting get used to the ground. Here’s how it works:

  • Wait for the right amount of time to repot the orchid.
  • Spray water on aerial roots in the 2 weeks before repotting;
  • Be careful not to wet the stem and leaves;
  • Spray water twice a day and then increase to 4-5 times.

This means that the roots get used to the higher humidity and root well in the substrate .

Get more orchids from aerial roots

You can also grow other orchids from aerial roots. If there are too many and they are healthy, use sharp scissors to cut the orchid from the stem part and separate it from the root . Plant the aerial roots in a separate pot and add a spoonful of ground cinnamon. Make sure this goes into the cut part to disinfect it.

Now place some clay balls to plant the other orchid, place it in the pot and add the soil. Leave it to soak in  hydrogen peroxide for half an hour to soften the roots.

Place pine wood and moss on top to nourish the plant and allow it to grow and develop optimally . You will see that your orchids grow lushly and produce many beautiful flowers, and plenty of them! As you can see, the aerial roots of the orchid are very important and you can only cut them if necessary!