Add a spoonful to the water and water the peace lily. New leaves will appear quickly

Commonly known as spathiphyllum, the peace lily is one of the easiest plants to grow. Native to the humid forests of South America, the peace lily also grows in some tropical areas and thrives perfectly indoors, as long as it is well maintained. Here’s the trick that will make new leaves grow.

To live, most plants need water and light, and the peace lily is no exception to this rule. However, although it is considered an easy plant to grow, its maintenance requires special attention so that it can flourish in the best possible conditions. In this article, we give you the trick to stimulate its flowering.

How to maintain the peace lily?

Gigli della Pace

It’s no secret that plants grow faster when properly cared for. This is the case of the peace lily which can grow extremely quickly and reach around 1 meter in height. Indoors, exposed to light or shade, spathiphyllum adapts and thrives, regardless of the season. However, adjusting shading and light will preserve its leaves from drying out while promoting its growth. Furthermore, it is between May and October that its flowering is most abundant. Here are some tips that will help you maintain it.

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I repot every year

It is important to repot the spathiphyllum every year and more precisely in spring, before it matures. Once adult, it is sufficient to make a surface by replacing the upper layer of earth on more or less 4 cm. In spring, monthly addition of special fertilizing green plants will be a plus. You can also add drainage to the bottom of the pot when repotting. This will absorb excess irrigation water.

Observe the feuillage

Like other plants in tropical areas, the peace lily loves humidity. In the prolonged absence of watering, it may therefore happen that it withers. In this case, it is enough to water it so that its foliage straightens naturally. However, without water for several weeks the plant can wilt and dry out. In this case, it would be wise to place the pot in a tray filled with water for several hours to bring it back to life. And as any good gardener will advise you, you will need to regularly remove dead leaves.

Foliage spray

When its foliage is dry, the plant can attract insects and other pests, such as red spiders. In this case, do not hesitate to spray it regularly with water and dust it. This will contribute to the increase in humidity.

Water regularly

Questa pianta tropicale fiorirà rapidamente e correttamente se ti ricordi di drenare bene il suo terreno. Il terreno deve rimanere fresco. Si consiglia quindi di annaffiarlo tutti i giorni in estate e una volta alla settimana in inverno. Tuttavia, per stimolare la sua fioritura e rafforzare la sua immunità, dovrai aggiungere gelatina all’acqua di irrigazione.

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Innaffiare il giglio della pace

Perché innaffiare il tuo Spathiphyllum con la gelatina?

La gelatina è un ingrediente essenziale nella produzione di fertilizzanti fatti in casa perché fornisce alle piante l’azoto in eccesso necessario per il loro sviluppo e crescita. È quindi un prodotto semplice ed economico che rafforzerà il sistema immunitario del giglio della pace. Ecco come usarlo in questo caso:

  • Riscaldare l’equivalente di un bicchiere d’acqua e aggiungere un cucchiaio di gelatina. L’acqua non dovrebbe essere bollente;
  • Mescolare per amalgamare bene il tutto;
  • Una volta raffreddata la soluzione, aggiungere tre bicchieri di acqua di rubinetto;
  • Infine, innaffia la pianta di questa soluzione una volta al mese, soprattutto in primavera e in estate.

Grazie a questo trucco, il giglio della pace sarà più soddisfatto e fiorirà abbondantemente dopo pochi giorni.

Leggi anche: Perché usare il riso come fertilizzante naturale per le piante da fiore?