Aluminum foil, wrap your cutlery in it and see what results!

Did you know that aluminum foil can be useful in more ways than just in the kitchen? We find in it the ability to polish silver. Not everyone is aware of the ability of this product to give extreme shine to cutlery: especially jewelry and cutlery.

Let’s try to clarify.

Why does silver darken?

Have you ever wondered why cutlery darkens? The reasons are several: for example, in contact with seawater, silver loses shine, but also in direct and continuous contact with the skin. Most likely, dark spots will appear in some cases.

However, there are effective and simple methods, especially economical, that can be useful to return money to its previous state. Among these methods we use aluminum foil.

Perfect silver with aluminum.

To get perfect cutlery no matter what, you can take advantage of the use of aluminum foil. For example, you can often see the cutlery we use for eating darken. Well, using this “grandmother” trick we will achieve surprising results.

It will be enough to take a bowl large enough to contain the cutlery we want to treat: we opted for the hard plastic one, because we would have to pour boiling water into it. We line the entire bottom of the bowl with aluminum foil: be careful to place the shiny side up.

We put the cutlery on top and cover everything with fine salt. At this point we pour boiling water over it. Above all, we must be careful not to burn ourselves.

Once we reach this point, we will have to wait a few hours for the water and all the other elements to interact with each other. What is going to happen ? This oxidation will be practically eliminated. Remember to wait at least 4-5 hours for a proper result. Next, remove the cutlery, taking care not to burn it, and rinse it well. The cutlery will come back like new!

Another thing

However, there is another very interesting trick. This involves the use of Marseille soap. We place the cutlery in a container with 3 tablespoons of water and soap. We will immediately notice how the cutlery will be shiny again.

Some people, however, choose to use toothpaste. How do you proceed? With a toothbrush, on which you place a small amount of toothpaste, gently rubbing the cutlery. It is important to rinse well afterwards. This can be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Try one or more of these tips and let us know if you achieved this goal! Cutlery will look shinier than ever – try it yourself!