Anthurium, how to multiply it quickly with flower branches: nurserymen do it

The beautiful Anthurium and the method to multiply it quickly. How? Thanks to the flowering branches according to expert advice.

A beautiful plant that you would like to keep always alive, even when it is not possible. Anthurium is undoubtedly one of the precious species that everyone wants in the house and in the gardens, that is why nurserymen have decided to give suggestions on how to multiply it and have it indefinitely. It is a very delicate operation, but once you learn the procedure it will be child’s play. Let’s see together what are the experts’ tips to multiply Anthurium infinitely.

Multiplication of Anthurium: tips and method
The reproduction of Anthurium usually takes place with the pollination of flowers, with the subdivision of the various tufts or with the production of cuttings . Reproduction is a technique that can also be done at home, with a minimum of technical knowledge to achieve the desired goal.

The real secret is to learn from nurserymen and follow step by step what they teach, to have an infinite plant available.

To obtain this procedure it is necessary to cut the stem into several parts, because each section must be able to produce new shoots from the nodes. All the small portions will not be able to grow vertically and this is the real secret .

Reproduction of Anthurium
The best time to perform this operation is undoubtedly spring/summer, when vegetation recovery is active and summer helps to create new bushes quickly.

Experts recommend the above, although there is nothing to prevent doing it also at other times of the year. It is a matter of speed, because during the cold season growth slows down significantly.

The procedure is as follows:

Divide the side shoots with a sterilized cutter, taking care to leave all the roots attached.
Remember not to perform this operation with dry soil, but moist; that is why it is good to water the plant half an hour before.
Immediately after planting the general/mother plant in a large pot with fresh potting soil.
All new seedlings are arranged in small pots, taking care to use soil similar to the previous one for the adaptation phase.
Water and drain excess water.
Multiply anthurium
All these tufts should remain in penumbra for 10 days of their adaptation phase. Otherwise, they could risk dehydration and instant death.

This is the secret of nurserymen to have an infinite plant in time, and it is important to follow all the advice to the letter. The most important and delicate phase is the adaptation phase with 10 days of shade and hydration: it is better to carry out the activities when the temperatures are not low, also for a question of facilitation for the newly born seedlings.