Avoid making this mistake with eggs! It can cause food poisoning.

Eggs have it all: they are a very nutritious food, quick to prepare and suitable for all meals. However, they must be well preserved so that they do not pose a danger to health. But what is that fatal mistake that is often made with eggs?

In France, almost everyone likes eggs. According to CSA statistics, 98% of French people eat eggs regularly and 94% of parents give them to their children. These figures show that eggs are one of the favorite foods of the French. Why are eggs so popular?

When it comes to cooking, eggs can be prepared in a thousand different ways, depending on your inspiration. As a starter, main course or dessert, its preparation depends on your creativity and imagination. In addition, the egg is a complete food that contains proteins and amino acids. But, above all, we like eggs because they are natural!

But if the rules for preserving eggs are not followed, this food can be dangerous to health. The most common mistake everyone makes is storing eggs at varying temperatures. This favors the proliferation of bacteria, especially Salmonella. As a result, you run the risk of contracting salmonellosis, a disease accompanied by fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Keep eggs at room temperature during transport and marketing

Maybe you don’t know how to preserve eggs? At room temperature or in the refrigerator? In fact, the recommendations are not very precise. In department stores, you may notice that eggs are not kept in the refrigerated section, but rather on shelves at room temperature.

This is what the Commission of the European Communities says about the marketing of eggs: “Refrigerated eggs left at room temperature can become covered in condensation, which encourages the proliferation of bacteria on the shell and is likely to penetrate the egg. Therefore, eggs should preferably be stored and transported at a constant temperature and, as a general rule, should not be refrigerated before being sold to the final consumer.”

Store eggs at room temperature or in a cool place in your home.

When the eggs arrive home after purchasing them, the rules for storing them change! Most egg cartons say “Keep refrigerated after purchase.” But there is no need to do so if you are guided by the recommendations of the ANSES (French National Agency for Health Safety in Food, the Environment and Work). The latter states that “if the eggs were stored at room temperature in the store, there is no need to keep them in the refrigerator.” If, on the other hand, you choose to store them in the refrigerator, you must “consume them as soon as possible after removing them from the refrigerator.”