Be careful with this dangerous plant that you can have in the garden: it is very poisonous

We all have beautiful plants at home that create a magical, fantastic, warm, cozy, particular atmosphere. Even those with a black thumb cannot give up decorating the internal and external environment of the house, but choose the simplest plants to care for, the ones that have the least needs, so that they only get great satisfaction.

very dangerous plants

There are some that are auspicious, others magical,  others still dangerous  because apparently they are poisonous but very few know it, only true plant lovers.

These poisonous plants can cause damage simply by handling them, it is not just a matter of minor annoyances, but rather serious consequences. To do this, you must be careful and properly informed to recognize them.

The exceptional properties of plants.

Some plants have incredible anti-inflammatory and antibacterial powers,  for example, basil, which is not only useful in the kitchen because it is miraculous if added to first or second courses, but apparently improves income by attracting money and at the same time keeping it away. negativity

Likewise, chamomile flowers were once miraculous, in fact they were used for example together with lavender and remembered, even in dreams. There are many others that have the same properties, known and unknown, that no one could ever give up.

Of course, be careful with some plants that, although they can decorate both the gardens and the entrance, the balcony and the windowsill, can be quite dangerous because the flowers are toxic.

These are some of the dangerous plants, because they are poisonous.

The first plant in question is the oleander, which can even cause itching, redness and cardiac arrhythmias. The berries of the beautiful woman when they hatch give life to purple flowers, which are toxic. Just touch them to suffer bad consequences immediately. Not to mention that if ingested, they can cause cardiac arrest and therefore death.

It is also followed by broom, whose flowers and seeds are very poisonous because they contain cytisine which, if taken in very small doses, becomes a diuretic and purgative, while in large doses it can poison those who come into contact with it, even for a very few seconds. . In fact, after touching it, it should never come into contact with the mucous membranes.

The most poisonous plant of all is the napello aconite, which has blue flowers, is found mainly in the Alps and contains aconitine, which once absorbed by the body, even just through the skin, immediately attacks the nervous system and the heart. . Then there is the giant hogweed that very few will probably know about. This plant comes directly from the Caucasus,  but has slowly also spread to Italy in the wetlands and highlands.

If you come into contact with its flowers that contain a phototoxic sap that spreads throughout the body, you can suffer burns and scars that form  especially in the presence of the sun’s rays.

The most dangerous plant of all because it can be confused with one that we use often, that’s what it is

But be careful, it doesn’t end there, the worst is yet to come because there is a plant that can be especially dangerous for infusion lovers. This seedling can be very dangerous for health  simply because it can be confused with the mint that we use to prepare infusions.

We are talking about Roman mint, which someone knows as poleggio mint. If it is used to prepare drinks or infusions, it causes damage to the liver, then to the neurological system, to the kidneys, and can even be fatal. This variety of mint should never be harvested, if you come into contact, even by mistake, you should immediately run for cover.