Bleach stains on clothes: 2 tricks to hide and eliminate them

It will surely have happened to you, perhaps while cleaning the house, while doing the laundry or simply by mistake, that you dropped a few droplets of bleach on your clothes and create the classic discolored spots.

bleach can permanently ruin clothes, but before throwing them away there are a couple of tricks you can try to try to recover them and remove bleach stains.

Bleach is a gas with a very irritating and dangerous odor both if inhaled and if applied directly to the skin. Although it is useful at home, it is always a good idea to keep it safe and always check that both the container and the cap are in good condition.

Below we list the two tricks to try to eliminate bleach stains from clothes and recover them.

The first trick is to mix 250 ml of white vinegar with the same amount of alcohol. Moisten a cloth in the solution and apply on the bleach stain, without rubbing but giving small touches.

Then wash the item with cold water and repeat the process until the bleach stain is gone.

For the second trick, however, you need 1 tablespoon of sodium thiosulfate and 250 ml of water. Mix the two ingredients, then moisten a clean cloth in the solution and apply to the bleach stain without rubbing.

Again, wash with cold water and repeat the application if necessary.

Both tricks to eliminate bleach stains are extremely simple and, in most cases, allow us to recover our clothes . Before discarding them, try applying both tricks and recovering them.