A set table is the scene of the most beautiful family evenings and events to remember. Among tablecloths and crockery, beautiful and shiny glasses can never be missing .

A problem that can happen very often is the white patina attached to glasses and not only to glasses, but also to the glasses we use every day.

From there I asked myself: can the white film always be removed from glasses? In some cases it is possible and even simple, and we will discover it together. But in other cases it could be more complicated, if not even irreparable. Let’s see together what it could depend on .

It depends on the quality of the glasses

The first thing you need to ask yourself is: what quality do the glasses I use every day have?

Generally most glass tumblers are of good quality. And when we have a bad wash or limescale deposits on it , it can be removed extremely easily. But there are some mistakes we make, since we don’t actually know the material of our glasses.

I’ll give you a very practical example. Do you have crystal glasses at home? They are of great quality and also very valuable, but we often make the mistake of washing them at high temperatures in the dishwasher .

When the water is very hard , the limestone contained in it deposits on the crystal glasses . And by using high temperatures these stains sometimes become irreparably fixed.

How can we solve it? We could pass a cloth soaked in alcohol vinegar to try to eliminate the limescale film . But every remedy you want to use may not always give you the desired result.

The best solution is prevention . If you have the possibility, wash the crystal glasses by hand , and dry them well, so as not to encourage the appearance of patina.

It depends on the hardness of the water

As I mentioned earlier, the possibility of finding white patina on glasses is accentuated if the water in your home is very hard. You can do a very simple test : rinse a glass by hand and simply let it dry. You will find unsightly water stains .


So if you opt for hand washing, I recommend washing the glasses with the “two tubs” method , the entire process of which you can discover in this video :

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The first thing to do is fill the two basins of the kitchen sink . If you only have one tub, fill a basin to place next to it. In the first we melt some Marseille soap flakes (or even dish detergent, if you prefer). This first tank allows us to degrease the glasses well and eliminate traces of grease .

We immerse the glasses for a few minutes , then massage them well. If you need extra help, use the soft side of the sponge.

The second tub (or basin) is filled with water, but we dilute a bowl of white vinegar , it doesn’t matter if it’s wine or alcohol , you choose!

Here too, the glasses should be immersed for a few minutes , so the polishing and anti-limescale action of the vinegar will thoroughly degrease and eliminate the white film. All we have to do is rinse well and dry with a cotton cloth. I use old sheets so they don’t leave lint.

It depends on how you wash them in the dishwasher

After having analyzed why crystal glasses should not be washed in the dishwasher, let’s move on to the simpler glass glasses , which can easily tolerate the usual washing in the dishwasher .

These little tips help me to always have perfect results for my glasses:

  1. avoid quick washing , because it often leaves the dishes wet , and therefore a white film or limescale marks can form more easily;
  2. prefer washes with higher temperatures and the right duration ;
  3. Check the salt level in the dishwasher . The right amount of salt always maintains a high level during washes and guarantees the correct maintenance of the appliance;
  4. don’t forget to use rinse aid , which always gives an extra touch.

You can prepare a do-it-yourself rinse aid by inserting a small quantity of white vinegar into the appropriate compartment, or (even better) use the citric acid solution : 150 g dissolved in 1 liter of water. Here is a video of the preparation:

Therefore before washing your glasses in the dishwasher, always make sure of their quality, having found the best method for a perfect result!