Cockroaches in the house, because it is a serious mistake to crush them: yet we still do it

It is a big mistake to crush cockroaches at home, not only out of disrespect for the animal, but also for another important reason.

Even when an insect is unwanted,  it should never be killed  or crushed. Cockroaches in the house are certainly not welcome guests, but regardless, it is important  to respect every living  being created by Mother Nature. This is not the only reason, in fact experts explain why this common practice regarding cockroaches  in the home should be avoided  . Should we clarify?

Natural remedies to repel cockroaches

Cockroaches  are insects  that can be very annoying and unwanted in our homes. Their presence can cause not only disgust, but also hygiene and health problems. Many immediately resort to chemical pesticides to fight against these invaders, without realizing that there are natural remedies that are just as effective, but more respectful of the environment and our health.

Among the natural methods to use against cockroaches at home we find:

  • Apple cider vinegar  is a very effective natural remedy for repelling cockroaches. Simply mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water in a sprayer and spray the solution in areas where bugs are most common, like kitchens and bathrooms. The unpleasant smell of cockroaches will gradually drive them away;
  • Essential oils  can be a powerful weapon in the fight against cockroaches. Smells of oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and lemongrass are particularly undesirable to these insects. Add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle and spray the solution on the infested areas;
  • Bay leaves  are another natural remedy that can help keep cockroaches away. Placing a few bay leaves in critical locations, such as window bases and door openings, can act as a deterrent against these unwanted insects;
  • Keeping a clean home  is essential to preventing the appearance of cockroaches. Removing food and crumbs from common areas, storing food in airtight containers, and cleaning floors and surfaces regularly can help make the environment less hospitable to insects;
  • Cockroaches can find shelter in cracks and crevices in walls, cabinets, and other surfaces  Sealing these openings with caulk or silicone can keep them out.

Cockroaches in the house: they should not be crushed for this reason

In addition to the motivation linked to respect for all living beings, it is not recommended  to crush cockroaches at home.

Experts explain that trampling on this anomaly causes it to drop a certain number of eggs on the ground. If they are released, they multiply.

Cockroaches in the house

Not only that, you also need to think about the health aspect. The residue from these animals is very dangerous and could transmit diseases to pets in the home. Professionals in the sector explain that cockroaches  carry typhus  – salmonella but also Escherichia coli and even fungi and bacteria carried by these same insects.