Ecological, homemade cleaning product for cleaning and degreasing floors and joints in one pass

Cleaning floors is a real problem for many of us. Firstly, because it is in the nature of floors that they often get dirty, and secondly because many factors influence their cleaning, such as the material they are made of or the presence of joints.

However, there is a cleaner you can make at home that is suitable for most floors . It is an ecological product that thoroughly cleans and polishes floors , saving us so much money.

To make an ecological cleaning product for floors you will need:

100 ml white vinegar
6 tablespoons lemon juice
5 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil
Combine all three ingredients in a bowl and mix well until combined.

Lemon has a brightening effect and cleans thoroughly , vinegar deodorizes and disinfects the floor .

To use natural floor cleaner, fill a bucket with warm water, then add natural cleaner and mix.

Clean the floor regularly, at least twice a week. Never mix natural cleaning products with chemical products as this can cause dangerous reactions.

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