Effective tips for degreasing plastic containers 

With the arrival of summer and hot days, we all plan to go to the beach to cool off and escape the city.

Our allies in these “excursions” are undoubtedly the plastic containers that we carry in our coolers for storing food.

However, it must be admitted that these containers immediately tend to suck up all the dirt and leave stains that are difficult to remove. That’s why today we’ll take a look together at how to quickly degrease plastic containers!

The vinegar

Our first remedy is to use vinegar, an ingredient known for its stain and limescale removing properties.

All you need to do is pour a glass of vinegar and a glass of water into a bowl and then soak your containers in the resulting mixture for about 2 hours or overnight. Then do a normal wash, rub the grease stains vigorously and… your containers will be degreased in no time!


Like vinegar, baking soda also has a slightly abrasive effect that helps remove limescale and grease stains. In addition, it has a deodorizing effect that eliminates any bad odors accumulated in the containers. No wonder it is also used to eliminate refrigerator odors!

In this case, simply prepare a baking soda paste by mixing about four tablespoons of baking soda with water and rubbing this mixture on the containers with a sponge or toothbrush. Then leave it to act for a few hours before routinely cleaning the containers, preferably with an ecological dishwashing detergent or Marseille soap and yellow soap.

Marseille salt and soap

Marseille soap is suitable not only for final washing but also for degreasing your containers, as long as you combine it with another pantry ingredient that you surely have at home: salt.

If salt can absorb dirt and deodorize, Marseille soap, on the other hand, is ideal for degreasing and perfuming!

Add one tablespoon of Marseille soap and two tablespoons of salt to a bowl of lukewarm water, then submerge the containers in it and let them soak for a few hours. At this stage, rub the stains with a sponge and rinse: traces of grease are nothing more than a bad memory!

The lemon

Finally, let’s look at how to use one last pantry ingredient that our grandmothers already know and appreciate for its many properties, including powerful degreasing, cleaning, whitening and descaling powers. What is it about ? Lemon, this citrus fruit with an intoxicating scent!

So, extract the juice of a lemon and rub it on the containers with a sponge. You can also use the lemon itself as a sponge by cutting it in half and grating one half directly on the container. Then leave it on for an hour before rinsing and washing as usual.

However, if the crusts are very stubborn, you can also make a mixture by mixing lemon juice with a tablespoon of baking soda until it forms a kind of cream. Then rub it into the grease stains and leave it to work for about 10 minutes.