Feng Shui: 4 tips to remove bad energies from the house

Bad energies in the house? Do not panic ! Feng Shui, this ancient Asian art, lists ingredients that allow them to be eliminated. Whether you subscribe to it or not, it is undoubtedly time to try it!
Feng Shui is an age-old art whose aim is to harmonize the environmental energy of a place and promote the well-being of its occupants. It reveals to you why it is important to use these ingredients to cleanse your home of bad energies.

Sea salt.
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Sea salt. Source: spm
According to Feng Shui, purifying a place of negative forces and energies found there is as important as removing dust or cleaning it . Indeed, without us realizing it, the atmosphere of a house can be weighed down by negative impressions. It is in our homes that we sometimes recount the worst and best of our life experiences. Feng Shui, an ancestral Chinese art, helps harmonize environmental energy, called chi, to give way to positive waves.

Following a hard day or an event likely to attract bad vibes, it is appropriate to purify the energy in our space and there are several ways to do this. When the atmosphere seems heavy, if you have difficulty falling asleep after a series of events, use coarse salt to purify the energy of this environment and rebalance it.

Placed in a glass under the radiator, under your bed and in any corner of your home or work, the salt absorbs all harmful energies, whether recent or old.

Energy cleansing helps to let go of the past. In a way, even those who do not know about the existence of Feng Shui are already practicing this ancestral art without knowing it. When you tidy up, just getting rid of objects that are no longer needed is Feng Shui because each object is likely to carry a positive or negative message. In addition to tidying up and salt, you can expel bad energies with sage, white vinegar or cinnamon:

White sage
This is the classic method. Burn it in every corner of the house. It is a technique that works to purify the energy of a place.

White vinegar
White vinegar repels bad vibes. It is effective in cleansing energies. Fill a bucket with water and add a glass of white vinegar to clean the whole house.

It allows you to open access to emotions and harmony. Boil cinnamon sticks in enough water to fill a bucket and once the water has cooled, use it to clean around the house. In addition, your home will be scented with a subtle and pleasant scent.

Energy cleansing brings harmony and tranquility into your home and into your mind. Do them as often as necessary.