Find out how to grow courgettes in your garden with ease”

Very prolific, courgettes are easily grown. Of various colors and shapes, once on site they can produce in quantity. To cope with their abundance, think about cooking them in ratatouille or freezing them to take full advantage of them in the cold season.

Data sheet

Botanical namePepo cucurbitsSowingApril – JulyTransplant3-4 weeks after sowingPlantMay JuneFlooringfresh, light,  rich in organic matterHarvestJuly – Octoberrobustnesscold plant


Like other  cucurbits  , courgettes come to us from America and were brought to Europe by the conquerors.
Their wild ancestors were all  bitter  , and the  domestication  of these plants was probably done primarily for the consumption of the seeds, which are rich in  lipids  and  proteins  .
Today courgettes find their place in all  vegetable gardens  . They have a  delicate flavor  and are appreciated as slimming vegetables, low in calories and rich in mineral salts.
very  prolific, two or three feet are enough not only to delight the whole family during the summer, but also to decorate the neighbors’ table. And its cultivation is very easy…
To  grow  well, courgettes need  sun  and  heat  , fresh  ,  fertile  and  loose soil. Bring  organic fertilizer  before cultivation, they appreciate  fresh organic matter .

How to sow courgettes

  1. In April  sow 3 seeds per pot  , sheltered at  20°C  , in the  light  .
  2. In  open ground  sow  under tunnels  at the beginning of  May  and  outdoors  from  mid-May to mid-July  in the south.
  3. Place  3 seeds in  pockets  spaced 80 cm to 1 m apart depending on the variety.
  4. Keep only  one plant  in each pocket.

Sow the hot pumpkin

There are many varieties of  courgettes  : white courgettes, round courgettes, round courgettes.
Here we are talking about  sowing green courgettes  from horticulturists and  white courgettes  .

  1. Fill biodegradable pots  to the top with  ready-to-use potting soil  for  seedlings  and  cuttings  .
  2. Install them in an  unperforated tray  .
  3. Make preliminary holes  , then  sow three seeds per pot  of green courgettes, making sure they are no longer visible.
  4. With the same principle  sow white courgettes  in white.
  5. Variety of labels  .
  6. Water  directly into the tray over 2/3 cm.
  7. Cover  with a lid.
  8. Install warm at 20°C  .
  9. At first there is no need for light, until they get up.
  10. Then put them in  bright light  .

A second courgette plant

Transplanting a young zucchini plant grown in a bucket

Transplanting a young zucchini plant

  • In April   :   sow in a warm bucket  for planting in May.
  • From May to mid-July:   sow directly  on site, in bags enriched with  compost  , spaced 1 m apart in all directions. Sow three seeds  in each pocket and keep the plant looking nicer after emergence. One or two legs are enough for four people. Hoe  ,  weed  the young courgettes,  mulch  the soil  when they are well rooted. Do not wet the foliage when watering.
  • Late sowing  : at the end of summer courgettes are often affected by powdery mildew  which  can  interrupt the harvest prematurely  . 
  • In regions with mild autumns, sow again in  July  . These plants will take over between  August and September  and until frost.

When and how to plant zucchini plants

  • Once the soil has warmed enough,  plant the courgettes  .
  • Install non-climbing varieties about  80cm apart  in all directions and climbing varieties 1m apart, in planting holes  at least  20cm square,  about ten centimeters deep  .
  • The  holes  must be  prepared in advance  and  enriched with compost  .

When to harvest courgettes

The harvest  takes place  two to three months after sowing  : the courgettes are harvested  young  ,  tender  , when they measure between 15 and 25 cm in length. Harvest the courgettes as they develop and as needed without letting them get too large.

How to grow a zucchini plant

Water,  hoe, mulch to a thickness of 5 cm when the plants are well developed. This mulch will maintain  soil moisture  and limit weeding. During watering, be careful  not to wet the leaves  , to limit powdery mildew attacks.
Pinch the courgettes  if they are climbing varieties.


Signs of dehydration: Leaves lean towards the ground, mid or late in the day.
Watering frequency:  abundant  , to water the foliage, 2 or 3 times a week. Once less if  straw  .
Water quality: not too cold.
How to water: at the feet,  without wetting the foliage  , to avoid powdery mildew.

The dimension

  • This operation is performed in two stages. When the plant has issued between four and six leaves,  pinch  , i.e. cut the stem above the first two leaves.
  • Use a small pruner or bill pruner so  pruning  is  easy  .
  • From this pinching two new stems will be born on which the first flowers appear, then  the first fruits  .
  • Allow  some courgettes to develop and cut again above the second leaf located after the last preserved fruit.

Courgette diseases and pests

Snail pellets

Control snails by surrounding plants with pellets

  • In hot weather  and if there is no shortage of water, the  fruits grow quickly  . Harvest them  every other day  when they are 20cm long or 10cm in diameter.
  • Powdery mildew stains the foliage  ,  cuts the affected leaves  ,  tears the stem  if a younger one takes over.
  • Snails devour young  plants  , provide  iron-based pellets  , permitted in organic gardening. Renew them after heavy rains.


The shapes and colors of courgettes are diversifying.

Among the classic long and green ones, adopt ‘  Precoce maraichère  ‘, with a light skin and fine, soft pulp. ‘  Diamond  ‘, early and productive, harvests easily. A vigorous variety, ‘  Black  Beauty  ‘ stands out for its dark skin. ‘  Gold Rush  ‘ produces elongated, yellow fruits with soft, sweet flesh.

Original plant varieties:

Round courgettes’  De Nice à fruit rond  ‘, the round fruits are harvested small for the tender pulp, larger to prepare stuffed courgettes. Also try   the light-skinned  “ Géode ” and  the subtle-tasting “ One ball ”.Courgettes ‘Parador’beautiful long, yellow fruits, very resistant to diseases.Courgettes ‘Papaya Pere’almost round, it has the shape of an electric light bulb, bright yellow in colour. Tender pulp, with a pronounced flavour. Semi-runner, reserve this for large vegetable gardens.

Crop rotation and associations

Courgettes take the place of  spring turnips  ,  leeks  ,  monthly radishes  or  salsify  .
Good combinations in the vegetable garden:  basil  , nasturtium, summer cabbage, broad bean   ,  corn ,  calendula  , calendula,  thyme  .