Flies: the super effective natural method to scare them away without pesticides

Flies are some of the most annoying animals there are . Although in most cases these are insects that are not very dangerous for human health, except in specific situations, it is also true that they can be really very unpleasant.

You probably know that there are many chemicals and insecticides on the market that can kill and/or repel flies. But did you know that you can also resort to completely natural remedies , harmless to human and animal health?

These are exceptional remedies that rely on an ingredient widely used in cooking. Let’s see which one!

Keep flies away with basil
If, on the one hand, the summer season brings with it many beautiful things, on the other hand, it is also the time of year when there are more insects of different species. These, like flies, can be very annoying: without following some important tips, our summer afternoons can inevitably be compromised by the presence of very annoying insects.

To prevent all of this from happening, you can choose to use a fantastic plant: basil . It is a very aromatic plant, widely used in cooking and as a basis of the Mediterranean diet. But its use is not limited to cooking: basil , in fact, is hated by many insects, such as flies. Its strong odor, particularly beneficial for us, is unbearable for many insects.

Therefore, basil is very useful in repelling flies and various insects. Simply place a plant in front of the window and you’re done. If we have more windows, we can obviously choose to place several plants strategically.

Our advice is to start growing several basil plants, perhaps creating a small garden if you have the right space. You can also add other plants like black pepper, which is very useful for the same purpose thanks to its very strong aroma.

However, you can look for alternatives to create a small garden at home. So here you have a solution that is undoubtedly more practical and faster. In fact, you can marinate basil or mint leaves with vinegar . Wait at least 6 to 7 days then dilute the mixture with water: at this point use a spray bottle and use it in environments that you want to protect against insect attacks. This is another good tip, often used in country houses and which has exceptional effects!