Garlic can kill 14 different infections! So why don’t doctors recommend it?

Garlic is undoubtedly one of the most powerful natural antibiotics and has been shown to be especially effective  in fighting 14 different infections.

Most of its medicinal properties are due to the presence of a sulfur compound called allicin, which also gives off a pungent odor.  Effectively protects against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites    , antibiotic-resistant MRSA and candidiasis. After ingestion, allicin is transformed into sulfenic acid, the fastest free radical scavenger.

The best way to reap the health benefits of this vegetable is to eat it raw, press or crush the garlic clove,    wait 5 minutes for the allicin to activate, and then eat it    .

Garlic, also called Allium sativum, is a member of the lily family and is a popular spice in many cuisines around the world. Originally from Central Asia, it is characterized by its content of organosulfur compounds, antioxidants and its main active ingredient, allicin.  This composition offers many benefits and makes it a basic ingredient in natural remedies.

Garlic is a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins C and B9    and has cardioprotective effects, as well as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, it would thin the blood, fight certain cancers and reduce diabetes.  In the cosmetic sector    it is said to have benefits in hair and nail care as well as in the fight against acne and warts.

Likewise, it would be effective in preventing and treating certain infections by combating the pathogens involved. This includes:

  • Helicobacter Pylori (H.Pylori), a bacteria that causes digestive disorders,
  • Candida, a yeast responsible for fungal infections and skin diseases.
  • Staphylococcus, bacteria found in food poisoning and gastroenteritis,
  • Escherichia coli (E.Coli), an intestinal bacteria
  • Herpes, involved in skin and mucous membrane infections.
  • Influenza A and B, responsible for the flu
  • Oral streptococci, bacteria that cause in particular angina and dental caries.
  • Vibrio, responsible for cholera
  • Rhinovirus, which is involved in viral respiratory infections,
  • Trichophytons, fungi involved in athlete’s foot pathology
  • Rotavirus, commonly implicated in childhood gastroenteritis
  • Scedosporium prolificans (S. prolificans), a fungus responsible for deep soft tissue infections, septic arthritis, and pneumonia.
  • Giardia, responsible for the parasitic disease giardiasis
  • Salmonella, a bacteria that causes food poisoning

Taking into account all these advantages, one may wonder how it can be used. Explanations.


To benefit from the medicinal properties of garlic    , it is necessary to chop and/or crush garlic to release its active ingredient, allicin. Then you can consume it raw by periodically mixing it with oil or a little honey. You can also add garlic to your salads, grate it on your toast or incorporate it into your meat, but only a few minutes before the end of cooking. Cooked garlic has a poorer nutritional profile than raw garlic because heat neutralizes allicin and reduces antioxidant levels.

Compresses and garlic oil are recommended for external use.


To reduce bad breath  associated with garlic consumption, chew parsley leaves, licorice, or even anise.


In excess, garlic can    cause heartburn    . Furthermore, topical application should only be done on the area to be treated, since garlic (especially raw) can be very irritating in healthy areas and can cause burns and allergic reactions. Garlic is not recommended for people who are receiving anticoagulant treatments and/or who have just undergone surgery.

Additionally, garlic-based remedies (oral or topical)    are not recommended for children    . Always consult your doctor before using any natural remedy.