Green homes, the first decision of the European Parliament

In recent times the topic of green homes has been raised several times. To increase or not to increase the energy class seemed to be the Hamlet-like dilemma of European governments. Now a step forward has been taken. The future will tell if it is positive .

For the moment all we can do is take note of what comes from above and, where possible, catch up. The European Parliament ‘s Industry, Research and Energy Committee has given the green light to the revision proposal which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and, consequently, contain climate change.

The bill will be put to the vote by the Plenary Assembly next month . The deputies will then negotiate with the Council to reach the final form of the presented bill. The rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union currently flies the Swedish flag .

One of the objectives set by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, as he declared during a press conference alongside the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen, is energy efficiency.

Making Europe greener is the motto of the Swedish president who intends to reach an agreement in this sense during his mandate . According to the European Commission, buildings in Europe are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions.

The new rules for a green house

green house first decision European Parliament

The text states that all buildings should achieve zero emissions starting from 2028 . Those occupied, managed or owned by public authorities, however, starting as early as 2026 . New buildings will already have to be equipped with solar technologies by 2028 , where it is technically suitable and economically feasible.

Residential buildings will have to reach energy class E by 2030 and D by 2033 . Non-residential and public ones will have less time available. They are expected to reach class E by 2027 and D by 2030 .

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Member states will have the final say on the measures to be taken to achieve the community objectives. Monuments and, perhaps, even historic buildings and buildings with particular architectural value will be excluded . As well as places of worship, churches and technical buildings.

Member states can also exempt public social housing and all those buildings where renovation works would lead to increases in rent that could not be compensated for by savings on the bill from these obligations .

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Rapporteur on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Ciarán Cuffe said:

“Rising energy prices have placed an emphasis on energy efficiency and saving measures, and improving the performance of buildings in Europe  will continuously reduce energy bills and dependency on energy imports. We want the EPBD to reduce energy poverty, reduce emissions and provide better indoor environments for people’s health.”

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