Growing Mango at home is very simple: discover the quick method with us!

Tropical fruits are increasingly present on our tables, and can now be found in every supermarket. Whether we like the taste depends, of course, on our personal tastes, but the aesthetics of these plants are unknown to almost everyone. However, many tropical plants, in addition to yielding vitamin-rich fruit, are also very beautiful. If we want to create a unique corner in our home, let’s grow a mango plant from the simple fruit, it’s really very simple.

Growing Mango at home is very simple: discover with us the quick method!
How to grow mango at home quickly and easily!
What you need
A sharp knife,
a few sheets of kitchen paper,
a little water,
a clear plastic container,
cling film.

How to make the pit
When we go to prepare the mango for eating, we don’t usually pay much attention to the pit, in which case, however, it’s necessary not to damage it.

If the fruit is very ripe, all you have to do is make an incision around the perimeter, trying not to touch the pit, then rotate the two halves to free it. If, on the other hand, the pulp is firmer, we’ll have to make slices, always taking care not to touch the core, releasing it little by little.

Once we have the coveted core in our hands, we need to extract the inside, again taking great care not to ruin it. There’s usually a slit on the outside, which we use to open it up and extract the inner pulp, which must come out completely whole.

How to treat hazel to grow the plant
When we finally have the mango seed in our hands, gently wrap it in a few sheets of absorbent paper, place it inside the container and with our hands or with a spray, we wet the whole scottex. It should be well soaked in water, but not soggy.

We wrap the whole container in plastic film, creating a mini greenhouse that will ensure the seed stays in the right temperature and humidity conditions. We place the container in a well-lit area, away from direct sunlight. In about ten days, we’ll see the first shoots of our beautiful mango plant sprout.

With a little patience, we’ll have a tropical corner in our living room!