Here is the secret of cleaning drain pipes, the plumber’s method comes out

But how do you clean household drain pipes? There’s a little plumbing secret you should consider right away.

Clogged hose
Cleaning your home’s drain pipes is important to protect them from backups and debris day in and day out. But how does one do it? Plumbers explain an important method you should try right away.

What are the causes of clogged pipes?
Before we dive into natural ways to clean pipes, it’s helpful to know some of the most common causes of clogs:

Deposits of residues
The buildup of grease, food particles, hair, soap and other substances can gradually clog pipes and reduce water flow.

Clogged drain
Limescale deposits
In some hard water areas, limescale can build up in the pipes, narrowing the opening and causing blockages.

Foreign substances
Foreign objects such as toothbrushes, diapers and wipes can cause serious clogs when thrown into sinks or toilets.

What are the natural remedies for cleaning exhaust pipes?
There are many natural methods to clean home drains, and they are all dictated by professionals in the field:

Hot water and salt
Pouring a solution of hot water and coarse salt into sinks or bathtubs can help loosen grease residue and clear minor clogs.

baking soda and vinegar
This is a very effective means of eliminating limescale and accumulation of organic substances. Pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar into the pipes and leave for about an hour before rinsing with warm water.