Here’s how to clean your oven in minutes to have it looking like new

You probably haven’t cleaned your oven  properly in recent years. If you have done this, you have surely used chemical products that not only produce the expected results but also bring many harmful side effects, especially for our health.

Cleaning the oven is one of the most annoying jobs in the household: it is tedious, inconvenient and should be done often. The  oven cleaning trick described below  is not only easier and faster, but it also requires no chemicals and no tools like spatulas that can keep you scrubbing for hours. The remedy we are describing to you consists of two simple elements:  vinegar and baking soda  .

  1. Remove all trays inside the oven from the oven
  2. In a container, mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water. Try to achieve a consistency that you can afford to spread the solution throughout the oven.
  3. Spread the solution throughout the oven, trying to distribute it as evenly as possible
  4. Leave the solution on overnight. It takes at least 12 hours for the baking soda to work properly
  5. The next day, remove all of the solution with damp cloths
  6. It’s time to use the vinegar: use it like a cleaning product, spreading it all over the oven.
  7. Magically, the places where you applied the vinegar become shiny as if your oven was just purchased.
  8. Finally, turn on the oven and leave it at a very low temperature so that it can “burn” any residue.