House tips from grandmother’s times;

Our ancestors already noticed that a little household chores don’t take care of themselves. For this reason, even back then it was important to save as much time as possible when doing housework. Little by little, various tips and tricks were developed that make exactly that possible. Below you will find out which household tricks from your grandmother’s time can still be used today as much as they were back then.

1.) Clean melted pots with soap

A pot is not always ruined if it burns a little. To get them looking new again, all you have to do is fill them with water, add a few drops of dish soap and bring the mixture to a boil. You can then carefully remove the burnt layer with a sponge.

2.) Polish cutlery with toothpaste

It’s nothing new that silverware looks dull after a while. However, to get the shine back, all you need to do is apply a little toothpaste to the dishes and work it in with a clean cloth. Afterwards, the whole thing only needs to be rinsed briefly and grandma’s old silver cutlery will shine again like it did on the first day.

3.) Polish Kup pots with ketchup

Do your copper vessels urgently need a polish? Then just use a dab of ketchup. Simply spread it on a cloth, sprinkle with salt and work the mixture into the pot. The reddish-brown copper color will finally shine again.

4.) Cleaning the jewelry with mineral water

The best way to clean silver and gold jewelry is to place it in a glass of mineral water and add a few squirts of dish soap. Allow the necklaces and bracelets to soak for five minutes and then dry. You will hardly recognize your jewelry afterwards!

5.) Remove adhesive labels with oil

To avoid having to spend hours scraping off sticky label residue, you can simply use oil to help you with this task. To do this, apply some olive oil to a cloth and rub it onto the sticky surface. After a short time, the label residue can be easily removed.

6.) Remove stains on white clothes with lemon

Lemon juice and salt are the perfect combination to remove any kind of stains on your white clothes. You mix the two ingredients together and put them on your clothes. After half an hour of exposure, the garment is then rinsed with vinegar and warm water and put in the washing machine as usual.

7.) Beat eggs to the right degree of hardness

You know approximately when an egg should have reached which level of hardness, but you can never be sure. Or can they? To find out whether your egg is really hard-boiled, you can simply take it in your hand and shake it gently. If it feels like you are holding a stone in your hand, the egg yolk is cooked through.

8.) Ceiling fan feather duster with pillowcase

If you own a ceiling fan, you know how quickly dust accumulates on the blades. If it is then switched on, the dirt spreads quickly throughout the room. This can be remedied by dusting the ceiling fan regularly – and this is best done with the help of a pillowcase. You simply put the cover over the individual wings and pull it off again. The dust remains in the pillowcase itself instead of being distributed around the room like a traditional feather duster.

9.) Destroy weeds with hot water

No matter how beautiful the flower and vegetable beds make your garden, the weeds growing in between them are a major nuisance. But to get rid of them once and for all, all you need is hot water and a tablespoon of salt. Pour the water and salt mixture over the weeds and say goodbye to the annoying undergrowth! However, be careful not to injure any neighboring ornamental plants.

10.) Place wilting flowers in hot water

If your flowers are already wilting, it’s a good idea to cut the stems at an angle and place them in boiling hot water for a few minutes. Then put them back in water at room temperature as usual and they will perk up again.

Weeds, a dusty ceiling fan or sticky label residue – with the help of grandmother’s household tricks you can get even the smallest problem in your four walls under control.

1.) Clean melted pots with soap

A pot is not always ruined if it burns a little. To get them looking new again, all you have to do is fill them with water, add a few drops of dish soap and bring the mixture to a boil. You can then carefully remove the burnt layer with a sponge.

2.) Polish cutlery with toothpaste

It’s nothing new that silverware looks dull after a while. However, to get the shine back, all you need to do is apply a little toothpaste to the dishes and work it in with a clean cloth. Afterwards, the whole thing only needs to be rinsed briefly and grandma’s old silver cutlery will shine again like it did on the first day.

3.) Polish Kup pots with ketchup

Do your copper vessels urgently need a polish? Then just use a dab of ketchup. Simply spread it on a cloth, sprinkle with salt and work the mixture into the pot. The reddish-brown copper color will finally shine again.

4.) Cleaning the jewelry with mineral water

The best way to clean silver and gold jewelry is to place it in a glass of mineral water and add a few squirts of dish soap. Allow the necklaces and bracelets to soak for five minutes and then dry. You will hardly recognize your jewelry afterwards!

5.) Remove adhesive labels with oil

To avoid having to spend hours scraping off sticky label residue, you can simply use oil to help you with this task. To do this, apply some olive oil to a cloth and rub it onto the sticky surface. After a short time, the label residue can be easily removed.

 6.) Remove stains on white clothes with lemon

Lemon juice and salt are the perfect combination to remove any kind of stains on your white clothes. You mix the two ingredients together and put them on your clothes. After half an hour of exposure, the garment is then rinsed with vinegar and warm water and put in the washing machine as usual.

7.) Beat eggs to the right degree of hardness

You know approximately when an egg should have reached which level of hardness, but you can never be sure. Or can they? To find out whether your egg is really hard-boiled, you can simply take it in your hand and shake it gently. If it feels like you are holding a stone in your hand, the egg yolk is cooked through.

8.) Ceiling fan feather duster with pillowcase

If you own a ceiling fan, you know how quickly dust accumulates on the blades. If it is then switched on, the dirt spreads quickly throughout the room. This can be remedied by dusting the ceiling fan regularly – and this is best done with the help of a pillowcase. You simply put the cover over the individual wings and pull it off again. The dust remains in the pillowcase itself instead of being distributed around the room like a traditional feather duster.

9.) Destroy weeds with hot water

No matter how beautiful the flower and vegetable beds make your garden, the weeds growing in between them are a major nuisance. But to get rid of them once and for all, all you need is hot water and a tablespoon of salt. Pour the water and salt mixture over the weeds and say goodbye to the annoying undergrowth! However, be careful not to injure any neighboring ornamental plants.

10.) Place wilting flowers in hot water

If your flowers are already wilting, it’s a good idea to cut the stems at an angle and place them in boiling hot water for a few minutes. Then put them back in water at room temperature as usual and they will perk up again.

Weeds, a dusty ceiling fan or sticky label residue – with the help of grandmother’s household tricks you can get even the smallest problem in your four walls under control.