How to clean rusty objects in 5 minutes without effort

You have surely noticed that over time,   some metal objects begin to rust   , especially if they are not made of stainless steel. Exposure to moisture and lack of maintenance can shorten the life of metal objects, such as bicycle spokes or even kitchen utensils.

Don’t even think about throwing them away! In this article, we offer you an excellent way   to clean rusty things   in a very short time, without resorting to chemicals and without much effort.

 When metal objects rust, a   reddish-brown layer  forms on their surface   , which is the natural corrosion reaction of iron or its alloys with the combination of oxygen and water.

Although there are dozens of products that can   remove rust from metal   , they are usually very expensive. Below, we offer you an equally effective natural alternative.

If you have a rusty object at home and are thinking about throwing it away, give it a second chance and try cleaning it with this super  effective 5-minute natural makeup with jars, scissors, tweezers or   whatever has rust stains on it   .

You need:

  • Foil
  • The juice of three lemons
  • White vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda

Cut several pieces of aluminum foil and dip them in lemon juice. Rub the surface of the rusty object you want to clean with aluminum foil until the first layers of rust are removed. If you notice that the rust has not come off, it is time to apply vinegar.

Pour the vinegar into a deep bowl and immerse the rusty object in it until it is completely covered. Leave it in the vinegar overnight and clean it the next day with a microfiber cloth soaked in baking soda. Finally, wipe with a clean cloth.

Now that you know how   to effortlessly recover a rusty object   , don’t wait any longer and apply this trick to the objects you thought you were throwing away.