How to make a floor detergent that leaves no streaks and cleans grout

DIY floor cleaner is everything you need to save money, time and protect your health, without giving up perfect results and therefore a very clean, shiny floor without annoying streaks.

Preparing a detergent at home and using only natural ingredients is really simple. The recipe we suggest below works with any type of floor , however, we always recommend checking the specifications of the floor you have at home.

To prepare the DIY floor cleaner you need:

  • half a liter of water
  • 4 tablespoons liquid dish soap
  • 250 ml of white vinegar
  • 1 plastic bottle with spray diffuser

The preparation is very simple: pour the water, vinegar and dish soap into the bottle and shake well until they integrate well together.

To use, apply directly to the floor and clean with a damp cloth or mop.

Alternatively, you can pour the same ingredients into a bucket full of warm water and clean the floor as you usually do.

To make the DIY detergent even more effective (especially for cleaning grout) you can add a couple of spoons of bicarbonate. Keep in mind, however, that vinegar and baking soda have an effervescent reaction that lasts a few seconds, so leave some space in the bottle.

Now that you know how to prepare a floor detergent , who are you waiting for to prepare and try it? You will see how you will obtain a shiny, very clean but above all streak-free floor .