How to make homemade liquid hand soap

Washing our hands is a habit, a custom and a hygienic need that we have and that we do every day several times a day   , depending on the things we do and the contact with the different materials we have. Despite everything, it is an activity that we all share and that we like to enjoy and obtain good results.

There is a wide variety of soaps on the market: solid, liquid, with perfume, without perfume, with chemicals, without chemicals, natural, ecological and much more. The reality is that we like   to wash our hands with mild, rich soaps. And that is why, in today’s article, we will be sharing a homemade recipe for antibacterial liquid hand soap.

Homemade antibacterial liquid hand soap

This liquid soap recipe   contains protex soap as its main ingredient, which is characterized by its high efficiency in cleaning and disinfection, elimination of bacteria and more.  The rest of the ingredients are natural and can be found at home. We tell you how. Come on!

What I need?

  • 120 grams of  protex soap   (bar)
  • apple cider vinegar (or white)
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon liquid Vaseline (or almond oil)
  • 1 and a half liters of water
  • grated
  • medium or ball container
  • medium pot
  • wooden spoon
  • jars to put liquid soap

Step by Step:

  1. To start, you need to grate the Protex soap bar into the medium bowl or container.
  2. Then you have to place the grated soap in a saucepan on the heat and add a liter and a half of water (if you need more water, you can add a little)
  3. Once the soap begins to disintegrate, you will need to add sugar, baking soda, and glycerin (or almond or coconut oil)
  4. You must leave the entire mixture over low heat and stir constantly with the wooden spoon.
  5. After spending a few minutes on the heat, it should become a little thicker and when it thickens, you should remove it from the heat.
  6. Now it’s time to wait for it to cool and check its consistency.
  7. Once you have the mixture, you must place it in the blender. You may need to add a little more water. This mixture will make about 2 liters.
  8. And when you are done mixing and get the soap with a liquid but thick consistency, you need to transfer it to the bottles so that you can use it from there. It is advisable to shake it before using it so that it integrates well.

Benefits of each ingredient:

All the ingredients used in this process are easy to obtain and in addition to   fulfilling their function of sanitizing and disinfecting   our hands, they also provide us with different things:

  • Baking soda:   This natural ingredient is responsible for making liquid soap last longer and also has great antifungal, antibacterial and disinfectant properties.
  • sugar:   this ingredient is responsible for hydrating the skin and exfoliating it, making the liquid soap more effective
  • glycerin or oil,   and this wonderful ingredient moisturizes the skin and softens it

Why is liquid soap better?

Have you ever wondered why liquid soap is better? The reality is that   when we live with other people, we use the same soap to clean ourselves and this can cause conflicts   in everyone’s PH regulation.

It is also advisable not to share the same soap for hygiene reasons, so for these two reasons it is   highly recommended to use liquid soap instead of solid soap   . Try it!