How to prepare an egg white mask to rejuvenate hands by 15 years

Right after the face, the hands are the part of the body that first reveals our age. Hands and wrinkles appear on the hands earlier than on other parts of the body because they are more exposed to external agents.

There are many causes that cause skin spots to appear, such as aging, sun exposure or prolonged use of chemicals.

Whatever the cause of the spots on your hands, in this article we suggest a recipe to get rid of them and rejuvenate your hands.

Egg white, the main ingredient in this do-it-yourself mask, is very effective in fading skin spots, as well as improving flexibility and thus reducing wrinkles.

To prepare the egg white mask to rejuvenate your hands you need:

egg white one egg

1 teaspoon olive oil

Beat the egg white for a few seconds, then add the olive oil and keep mixing until the ingredients are integrated with each other.

Apply it to your hands by lightly massaging, then let it sit for a few minutes. Finally, rinse your hands with plenty of water and apply your favorite moisturizer.

Repeat the application of the egg white mask to rejuvenate your hands at least 2 times a week, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

Egg white is composed of water and proteins, such as albumins, mucoproteins, and globulins. The latter make this ingredient an excellent ally for moisturizing the skin and “stretching” it.

Olive oil is moisturizing and contains antioxidants that can prevent premature aging.