How to quickly clean kitchen furniture inside and out?

Kitchen furniture is like cabinets for plates, glasses and some decorative items that beautify the environment.

However, these pieces of furniture can become affected by dust, stains and fingerprints over time. This causes it to become dull and lose its shine.

Today we will see how to clean kitchen furniture to return it to its former glory.

White wine vinegar

White vinegar is your valuable ally when you want to make glass surfaces shine. In fact, you can use it without rinsing.

It’s a very simple method: prepare a solution of equal parts hot water and white vinegar. Then pour into a sprayer.

Spray a generous amount of the solution onto the glass surface and gently wipe with a soft cloth in a circular motion. Then dry and check for streaks.

White vinegar helps remove grease stains and dust, leaving you with a shiny, clean surface.

Marseille soap

If you asked your grandmother to tell you about a natural product for cleaning household surfaces, she would not hesitate to recommend using Marseille soap.

Marseille soap is a very effective natural product for removing the most stubborn dirt and stains from furniture. So you can use it in your kitchen furniture.

Take a bowl and fill it with hot water and 2 tablespoons grated or flaky Marseille soap. Then wipe the furniture with a soft cloth or sponge in a circular motion. Rinse with clean water and then dry with a soft cloth.

lemon juice

Lemon juice, like Marseille soap, is the product you need to renew your kitchen furniture. It is a natural cleaner that leaves all surfaces smelling wonderful.

To do this, take a spray bottle and fill it with equal parts lemon juice and water. Don’t forget to remove the seeds from the lemon juice. Next, enhance the scent by adding a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Mix well and start spraying the furniture. Then wipe with a cotton cloth to remove stains and dust. Lemon juice can neutralize stains while giving your kitchen furniture a new look.