How to Recognize a Fresh or Expired Egg: Infallible Tips

When you want to determine the freshness of an egg or check if it has passed its expiration date, the salt water glass test remains a simple and effective method. Follow these guidelines to assess the quality of your eggs:

When you have eggs in your kitchen, it is essential to be able to determine if they are still fresh and safe to eat. While the best before date (BBD) can be an indicator, there are some simple tricks that can help you tell if an egg is good or rotten.

The Smell Test
The first and simplest way to determine the freshness of an egg is the smell test. You just need to use your nose. Smell the egg for the distinctive smell of sulfur, a sign that it may be rotten. If there is no odor, the egg is probably still good to eat.

To eliminate any doubt, crack the shell and smell the egg directly. If no bad smell is present, the egg is safe to eat. Otherwise, it’s best to get rid of it.

Listen to the Noise
Another method is to listen carefully to the egg. Place it near your ear and shake it gently. If you don’t hear any liquid sloshing sounds, the egg is probably fresh. If, on the other hand, you hear a liquid sound, this indicates that the egg is no longer good.

Diving in Salt Water:
Egg on the Bottom: If the egg sinks to the bottom of the glass, it is extra fresh and can be consumed during the day.
Egg Slightly Above: An egg floating slightly above the bottom is still fresh and can be eaten within four days.
Egg in Water: If the egg floats in water, it is fresh and can be used within 8 to 10 days.
Egg Slightly Below: An egg floating slightly below the waterline is fresh and can be eaten within a fortnight.
Egg on Surface: If the egg floats on the surface, it is no longer fresh and is between 15 days and three weeks old. When in doubt, throw it away!
Light Source Test:
Yolk in the Center: The egg is extra fresh.
Slightly Off-Centered Yolk: The egg is fresh.
Yolk Sticking to the Shell: The egg is old.
Hard-Boiled Egg Test:
Yolk in the Center of the White: The egg is extra fresh.
Slightly Off-Centered Yolk: The egg is fresh.
Completely Off-Centered Yolk: The egg is old.
By using these simple tips, you can quickly assess the freshness of your eggs and guarantee the quality of your culinary preparations. When in doubt, it is best to be cautious and not consume an egg of uncertain freshness.