If you notice this detail on the watermelon, don’t buy it: it is not juicy inside

Do you want to buy a good watermelon? It is therefore necessary to pay special attention to this detail that many people do not notice.

watermelon detail

Watermelon  is a succulent and refreshing fruit that can be a great choice to face hot summer days. However, to be sure of buying a quality one, it is important to know the signs that indicate the ripeness and  freshness of the fruit  . What are the main signs to look for to understand if a watermelon is not good or ripe? If this is the case, you should avoid purchasing.

What to look for in watermelon before buying it?

The first  signal to evaluate is weight  . A good device should be heavy for its size. This indicates that it contains an adequate amount of juice and is well hydrated. If the watermelon seems light compared to others of similar size, this could be a sign that it is not ripe enough or has  suffered water loss.

The second sign to consider is the  consistency of the skin  . The skin  of a ripe fruit  should be smooth, without cracks or spots. Cracks or imperfections may indicate that it has been affected by disease or damaged while growing. It is important to examine the surface carefully for  any signs of damage or alteration  .

Detail of the watermelon to see if it is ripe

Another important sign to look for is the  sound made  when you lightly tap the watermelon with your knuckles. A good, ripe watermelon will have a deep, hollow sound. On the other hand, if the sound produced is sharp and metallic, this could indicate that it is not yet ripe or that it has  suffered internal damage.

The  underside of the watermelon,  where it sticks to the ground, is another area to watch carefully. If this part has mold spots or a soft texture, it is likely that the watermelon is not good and is in a state of spoilage. It is important to avoid buying with signs of  rot in the lower area  , as this could affect the quality and flavor of the fruit.

What color and consistency should it be?

Color can also provide  important clues about its maturity  . A good watermelon  should have a uniform dark green skin. If the skin is too light or has yellowish spots, it could be a sign of immaturity. However, it is important to note that it may have  natural green or light streaks  on the skin without necessarily indicating immaturity.

Finally, it is possible to assess the presence and consistency of white veins on the watermelon skin. These veins indicate the presence of natural sugars inside the fruit, giving sweetness and flavor to the ripe watermelon. If the veins are barely visible or almost absent, this could be a sign that it  is not ripe  or has a watery consistency.

Ripe watermelon

To avoid buying bad or ripe watermelons, it is essential to pay attention to the signs of ripeness and freshness that the fruit presents. By evaluating the weight  , texture of the skin, sound produced, bottom surface area, color and veins of the skin, you can make an informed choice about purchasing a quality watermelon.

Remember that a good quality product should be heavy, with smooth skin, a dull ring, a lower area free of  defects and mold  , a uniform dark green color and well-defined white veins. By following these instructions, you can enjoy ripe, sweet and juicy watermelons during the summer season.