If your yogurt has expired in the fridge, don’t throw it away. Here’s a fantastic remedy: use it like this

If your  yogurt  has expired in the fridge, don’t throw it away. Here’s a fantastic remedy: use it like this  . In fact, you don’t have to throw expired yogurt in the trash right away because you can still reuse it  . The idea is actually to reuse it, not eat it  .

Due to its high nutrient content, yogurt is one of the superfoods that is recommended for breakfast or as a snack. For even more benefits, yogurt is served with a handful of cereal or even fruit. But yogurt is also a real treat for your desserts.

Because of these many benefits, yogurt finds its place in our refrigerator. We buy them in bulk, especially when they are on sale. However, you have to calculate carefully because you risk having a lot of yogurt that won’t be consumed before the expiration date. If so, it is still possible to avoid waste by doing the following.

If your yogurt has expired in the fridge, don’t throw it away. Here’s a fantastic remedy: use it like this

Do you notice that  there are still a few cups of yogurt in the fridge even though the best-before date has passed? Be aware that yogurt that can no longer be consumed can still serve as a base ingredient for something really useful.

This mishandled ingredient can serve you well when it comes to beauty. In fact, expired yogurt can help your  hair become  shinier and softer  . To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Make a  yogurt-based mask  by mixing it with a tablespoon of almond oil
  • Stir well and apply directly to the mane
  • Allow to work well on the lengths
  • Leave on for half an hour
  • Wash it with shampoo as usual  and you will see that your hair is vibrant and shiny