Indoor plants, how to get rid of insects: with a handful they will all disappear

If mosquitoes become interested in your houseplants, there is no need to change plants or resort to harmful chemicals, the solution is within reach and in every kitchen.

Insect Plant Remedy

The fact that they live safe from the elements in our homes does not protect houseplants that may still be susceptible to insect attacks. Let’s find out  how to intervene naturally.

Indoor plants and insects.

To prevent insect attacks on indoor plants, it is important to maintain  a clean and healthy environment around the plant. Some of the main insects that can cause problems for houseplants are  aphids, for example.

Aphids on indoor plants

These insects feed on the  young parts of plants and can cause deformation and reduced growth.

If you notice that your plant has spots and a noticeable reduction in growth, it means that it has been attacked by an insect called  thrips.
They are easily recognizable by their  small, flat and elongated size.

Even the  red spider damages our plants  since this insect produces a web on the plant and feeds on the leaves.

When we talk about  whitefly,  in relation to plants we are referring to an insect that feeds on the sap of the plant and that ends up causing  deformation and a significant reduction in growth.

Watering indoor plants correctly is important to ensure their health and growth, in fact, you should avoid wetting the leaves, as well as maintaining good air circulation.

inside plants

In general, it is important  to monitor the soil  and plant regularly to determine if it needs watering.

Each type of plant has  different water needs,  so it is important to know your plant’s specific needs. For example, some plants prefer moist soil, while others prefer to be watered  only when the soil is completely dry.

It is best to avoid wetting the leaves of the plant, as this can  cause mold and mildew to form. Additionally, it is important to avoid wetting the leaves during the hottest hours of the day, as this can cause the leaves to burn.

Garlic powder

Granulated dried garlic can be purchased at any grocery store and is inexpensive. It is  a natural antiseptic   without chemical compounds. It disinfects the soil,  preventing the multiplication  of pathogens and microorganisms.

Garlic powder can be used  as a natural deterrent to some  plant-damaging insects.

To use  garlic powder  to protect our indoor plants, we can mix 1 teaspoon of garlic powder with 1 liter of hot water. Then it should be left to rest for a couple of hours, finally the solution should be filtered through a strainer.

Garlic powder, houseplants

We can spray this natural product not only on the soil, but also on the leaves, making sure to  cover all parts of the plant well,  including the buds and flowers.

A second treatment consists of using not only garlic powder but also hydrogen peroxide, or  the classic hydrogen peroxide  that you buy at the pharmacy.

Hydrogen peroxide

In this case we will remove about two centimeters of soil from the plant  ,  and then we will sprinkle a tablespoon of garlic powder. Then we prepare a solution that consists of 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. We spray with this solution and cover with new soil.

Garlic will prevent the parasite from taking root and this also works for mosquitoes. In addition,  hydrogen peroxide favors the disinfection  and cleaning of the plant.