Make your window frames snow white in 5 minutes with an amazing product

You have invested in new windows early to reduce your energy costs. You have seen well and you are satisfied, the savings are there. However… Your plastic poles have turned yellow due to violence, exposure to sunlight or even cleaning, and you can’t do anything about it. No panic! We advise you on how to illuminate window frames with homemade tips.

Do you miss the good old wooden frames? Remember: you need fresh paint regularly, you put down duct tape for the winter, and most importantly, you need to remove condensation from the windows. It is true that plastic or PVC can also acquire a patina over time. Its first enemy continues to be solar radiation. Even temperature fluctuations show their sensitivity, especially if the windows face south and are exposed to a large thermal amplitude in summer and winter.

You will discover two tips that will eliminate the discomfort of time on the plastic materials of your windows and allow them to recover their former whiteness.

Read also:    7 tips for cleaning the bathroom floor

How do you properly care for plastic windows and ensure a clean and healthy home?

No need to run to the home goods aisle of the supermarket or the local grocer. Everything you need is already in your house to make your dirty furniture shine.

In addition to its medicinal properties, apple cider vinegar is its preferred ingredient  due to its abrasive yet gentle potential. Due to its disinfectant and emollient properties, you need crystal clear soda. Finally, you will miss a detergent that you use to wash dishes and that is based on natural and biodegradable products.

You can then proceed as follows:

  • Dissolve 4 tablespoons of soda crystals in a little water.
  • Add 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons dish soap and mix. Apply the mixture to the window frames and let it sit for at least 6 hours. Then wipe with a cloth to collect dust and other dirt. Rinse well with water. Dry with a last towel and that’s it! You will be surprised by the result.

Other products can also be used to whiten plastic; The plastic of the glass will thus recover its previous whiteness.

If you prefer a gentler approach to monthly maintenance, your eyeglass frames will retain their newly acquired whiteness. This time you get another proven and very effective product in your pharmacy:     Marseille soap    .

Also read:    The ingenious trick to remove the white patina from bleached glass

Dissolve 50 grams of Marseille soap flakes in a quarter of a liter of water: ensure that it dissolves and, if necessary, heat the mixture a little in a saucepan. Then continue with the care you want and, above all, don’t forget to rinse and dry well.

You see, cleaning white plastic windows is no longer a problem for you! You always have everything at hand at home.

Read also:    How do I remove limescale from shower walls in 2 minutes? Everyone has this ingredient in their kitchen.