Combine these two products in a tray and wait for them to work. The result is really surprising and you certainly didn’t know this tip. Come find out what we’re talking about.
Ingredients to mix
It often happens that you go through the washing machine or dryer and end up with laundry that doesn’t smell good . Sometimes the most common mistakes are failure to clean the device and improper use of detergents. In either case, you need to find a way to make sure your laundry doesn’t smell bad.
The washing machine and dryer should be cleaned constantly. In fact, a constant failure to clean the appliance will affect not only the laundry, but also other aspects . The device will last you much less and above all it will consume more, especially when it is full of limescale.
Clothes that smell bad after the dryer
The first thing to do is to thoroughly clean the filter and internal parts of the washing machine and dryer. Then the detergent compartment in the washing machine and the water collection in the dryer should also be thoroughly cleaned. Then there is the question of detergent, which also affects the case of the washing machine.
In fact, you should never overdo it with detergent and you should always follow the recommended doses. Don’t think that if you use more, the laundry will smell better because you risk the opposite effect. If you have followed these steps but your laundry still stinks, don’t worry because there is still a method that can come to your rescue.
Clothes that smell bad after the dryer: here’s how to avoid it
As we said, the washing machine and dryer can leave clothes with bad odors if not cleaned properly. When you can’t solve the problem, it’s really intimidating, especially after trying them all . Having laundry that smells bad after being washed and it’s not really the best
Sometimes the problem may persist and if you still haven’t found the right solution, you are at the right place. Now let’s see how to solve the problem of stinky clothes after drying in the dryer. The method we are going to see is really simple and you certainly haven’t thought about it.
Tumble dryer – the solution to avoid smelly clothes
What you need to do is simple because you only need to mix two ingredients . The first is the fabric softener you use for the washing machine, and the second is simply water . Once you have these two, you need to get a container with a lid and some soft cloths.
You will first need to take the tub and fill it with both ingredients in equal parts. You will then pour in three capfuls of fabric softener and three of water. Mix the two ingredients well and move on to the next step. Now you will need to take a soft cloth, cut it into small squares and place them inside the container .
DIY Dryer Air Freshener with Fabric Softener and Water
The dryer deodorizer is ready and you can now close it and have it ready to use when you need it. In fact, all you need to do is put a well-wrung cloth inside the dryer to get truly scented laundry . After the cloth has dried in the dryer, you can also use it again.
A very simple and inexpensive method using a product you already use for the washing machine. If necessary, you can replace the fabric softener with scented pearls to dissolve in water, with laundry perfume or with drops of essential oil of the perfume of your choice.