No more stains on your mattress: this method will make it white again

Follow this guide to remove any stubborn stains from your mattress. It’s easy and you only need one ingredient.

Autumn and spring are always accompanied by a great desire for renewal and cleansing. Let’s start by cleaning the whole house without leaving anything out, not even a corner of the house. There is a need to make everything perfect, like new. And not even the mattresses escape this cleaning. Although disinfecting mattresses is extremely important for our health, we don’t repeat this practice often enough. Inside the mattresses an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria and mites is created. Mattress mites can cause annoying symptoms similar to an allergy attack. Runny nose, frequent sneezing when waking up, dry cough at night, chest tightness and asthma.Very annoying and dangerous symptoms. With the method we Show you right away, you can not only disinfect the mattresses by eliminating mites and bacteria, but also remove the most stubborn stains . Mattresses get stains very quickly and the causes can be varied, for example night sweats or other inconveniences. These inconveniences can lead to unsightly and unhygienic stains. If you follow this simple method, they will all disappear in no time! All it takes is one ingredient.

Remove stains and disinfect your mattress this way

Yellow stains on the mattress are the most difficult to remove. It can happen that these marks appear on the mattress cover. In this case the solution is much simpler. If the stain is on the lining, simply wash it by hand or in the washing machine with the correct detergent. The problem arises when the stain is on the mattress, but for every problem there is a solution and this case is no exception. All you have to do is equip yourself with an ingredient that you surely already have at home: Baking powder. Sodium bicarbonate is an extremely versatile product, it is a great ally in cleaning the house and has dozens of possible uses. Let’s take a look at how to do it.


To remove stains from the mattress, you need to pour baking soda directly onto the stain until it is covered . After that, you have to wait at least ten minutes and then equip yourself with a dampened microfiber cloth . With the damp cloth you need to rub gently in circular movements. If you wish, you can add a drop of mild detergent or organic dishwashing liquid to the cloth to enhance the whitening effect. You will immediately notice how the yellow halo quickly disappears under your hands. Let it dry thoroughly and replace the cover. What if you don’t have baking soda at home? A good alternative and equally effective product for removing stubborn stains on mattresses is Hydrogen peroxide . Hydrogen peroxide can remove coffee stains, blood stains and makeup stains. Pretty much everything!

Clean mattress