One drop will produce bright green leaves – never had an orchid like this before

How to have a beautiful orchid? With just one drop of this product you can have bright green leaves;

Green orchid
A beautiful orchid with its bright green leaves? All this is possible thanks to a key ingredient that, with just one drop, will allow the leaves to look even more beautiful. An elegant and refined plant, which has always been given as a gift to communicate gratitude and friendship. The secrets to making it healthy and beautiful are revealed by professionals in the sector.

Ingredient to make orchid leaves green and bright
The key ingredient to make orchid leaves even more beautiful is Neem oil. Used specifically for plants, it is a pesticide with properties and benefits comparable to industrial products. It is a fantastic repellent against mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, ideal for freeing the garden from all types of objects. Additionally, its concentration – in the correct doses – is completely harmless to bees, making it ideal for use in flowers and flower beds.

neem oil
Neem oil is an all-natural ingredient, an extract of a native plant of Indian origin. Inside the oil is a rich presence of azadirachtin which blocks insects and improves the conditions of the plant.

A plant treated with this oil cancels the attraction towards insects that can damage it, thus neutralizing diseases of all kinds. It has direct antibiotic and antifungal action. A 100% natural product, for this reason also recommended in organic farming.

Neem oil, how to prepare the mixture
To create the suitable substance for the orchid, simply choose a pure ingredient certified for use in plants. You will obviously have to choose a recognized and certified company.

To prepare the substance you are using:

1 liter of water;
20 ml of pure Neem oil with vegetable certification;
Half organic lemon juice.
Take a large cotton ball and, after soaking it, you can dab it on the leaves of the orchid, ensuring that all the properties penetrate deeply.

Or you can spray it directly on the leaves and branches, so as to completely protect it from possible insect attacks. The treatment can be repeated even three times a week, so as to have a complete cycle of nutrition and protection for the plant.

orchid leaves
Once a plant is treated with this oil, its properties come into contact with plant structures and act on the lymphatic system. Obviously, it acts on most insects which attack the plant to feed or to acquire all of its sap.

In this specific case it is used on the orchid, but it is always possible to use the substance on any type of green or flowering plant. Expert nurserymen also use it on fruit plants, with great results. The orchids can finally be healthy, with green leaves and colorful flowers.