Onions and Garlic: How to Grow Them at Home and Save a Lot of Money

Organic growing practices are becoming more widespread and many people are choosing to grow onions and garlic at home.

No matter which variety we choose, we can grow them all in pots and get great results in about 6-7 months. To enjoy the benefits of growing garlic and onion at home, all you need is a small balcony and some pots. Over time, we can appreciate the many benefits offered by these two vegetables, beneficial for the health and well-being of the body.

Grow Garlic and Onion at Home
The Liliaceae family includes garlic, onion and shallot , very popular in cooking for their organoleptic characteristics and for the benefits they bring to our body. If you also want to successfully grow these edible bulbs , it is important to know the right techniques. For example, you need to know when is the best time to plant or sow them and what maintenance practices to adopt to encourage their growth. By following these instructions, you will be able to obtain a quality and abundant harvest.

How to Grow Onions and Garlic at Home
Garlic, onion and shallot belong to the Liliaceae family , but have different growths. While shallots produce 3 or 4 bulbs per plant, onions generally produce only one. Regardless of the type of onion, such as white, red, yellow or spring onion, caring for it is simple. These plants do not require a lot of water , but need soil enriched with organic matter. However, too nutritious soil could cause the bulbs to rot.

Good time to plant and choice of land
To prepare for growing onions, you must first obtain seeds or bulbs . It is important to know that onions are usually planted in spring , preferably in March or April, or September or October for those living in the southern hemisphere. For cultivation, the pot should be approximately 30 cm deep and approximately 30 cm wide . In each pot it is possible to plant at least two onions, using different seeds or two bulbs. Finally, it is recommended to choose light soil enriched with natural fertilizer .

Growing the onion
To start growing onions, the first thing to do is to prepare the soil, which should not be too clayey or sandy . It is best to have loose soil so that the onion can grow freely. In this way it will also be possible to obtain adequate nutrients through the use of natural fertilizers.