Orchid, if you plant it like this the plant grows and blooms very quickly

Orchid, if you plant it like this your plant will grow healthy and strong but above all it will bloom quickly. Ready to discover the trick of the most expert green thumbs? You will be left speechless.

Are you struggling with your  orchid  because  it can’t bloom as you would like  ? From today this will no longer be a problem for you. With this  trick  your plant will grow with  strong and vigorous roots  and above all it will make you participate in an extraordinary spectacle:  the birth of many little flowers.

Orchid, how to care for it

The orchid  is undoubtedly one of the best-selling plants in the world. It usually happens that a person gives it as a symbol of good luck, to inaugurate a new house or simply buys it personally because its colors and flowers are an extraordinary spectacle to behold.


However, if it is true that  the orchid is one of the most purchased plants  , it must be said that it is also one of those that is  difficult to care for  . Many times these little green jewels end up  wilting or worse still not chasing flowers.

However, the lack of flowering  is something that can be solved if you give the plants in question love  , care and a lot of attention. First of all, you should know that  exposure to sunlight  is not always the best solution to have a healthy and healthy orchid.

Direct sunlight, for example, ends up  burning the flowers and leaves and  making your plant sick. The advice of experts is  to place your jewelry in a  warm and bright environment but in which there is no  direct projection of the sun’s rays.

Also be careful with  irrigation  ! You don’t have to water your orchid every day, but you should  learn to control soil moisture  : if it is wet enough, your orchid doesn’t need more water.

Even  overwatering can make it sick and can even stop flowering  . However, after giving you this little information, let’s get to the climax. Today we reveal  the secret so that your orchid can grow healthy and robust and, above all, hunt many small flowers  even if it is fast, at any time of the year. This is how you should plant it to get these results.

Expert Tip: If you plant them like this, your orchids will grow quickly

If there is a problem that  many people who have an orchid at home complain about,  it is the  lack of flowering , an inconvenience that can only be solved by paying special attention to the way in which the transfer  occurs   .


In this sense, today we reveal to you  a trick  that will forever solve your problem of  dull orchids without flowers. You will need a few simple tools to ensure  fast and extraordinary flowering for your plant  .

Let’s immediately proceed with the explanation. The first thing you should do when you receive an orchid  is not to plant it immediately, but to place it in a cool  , dry place for a week,  without watering it.

This is the best way to  prevent bacteria and fungi from making you sick  . With this technique,  the roots will not rot  , on the contrary. After this period of time,  recover your plant and remove all of the topsoil around it.

Don’t worry if you see it especially  dry or with opaque and dull leaves  , it is normal that after a week without watering and leaving it in a dry or humid place, the result is this.

Then proceed to also  cut off the damaged roots and also the dry or wrinkled leaves  . At this point  , carefully wash what is left of your plant  . Get some  turmeric powder,  which is a spice with significant  antibacterial properties.

It is capable of  supplying vitamins and nutrients to your plant  , thus helping it to root quickly. All you need to do is put  a teaspoon inside a clear plastic bottle.

Then add  500 ml of water at room temperature and mix everything  . Filter the contents with a  strainer  and pour it into another  clear plastic container  . With this solution  you will clean the leaves which, as  you will see,  will regain color and shine.

At this point,  you will need to put the entire root of the plant in turmeric water and leave it there for at least 30 minutes  , then take it out and  put it in another clear plastic bottle.

Add 100ml of water  to cover the deepest roots. You will see that  in 4 weeks your plants will grow healthy and their leaves will be green and shiny. But the most beautiful spectacle will be this:  many flowers will sprout on your plant.

Another little tip for you:  be careful when pouring  . Always get a  clear plastic bottle or container  and insert  pine bark  inside, which will help your plant continue its growth process. Alternatively, you can also buy clay that you will always put between the roots.

Do you see how easy it is to care for an orchid? Sometimes  you just need to follow the advice of the most experienced. We guarantee that this way your beautiful plant will bloom all year round.