Orchids full of flowers and healthy for a whole year if you do it once a week

Orchids, like having them full of flowers and healthy for a whole year? You should do this process once a week. You will see how beautiful it is in your home.


Orchids are among the most beautiful plants  for green-thumb enthusiasts, but keeping them beautiful and vibrant sometimes seems like a difficult undertaking. However,  there is a cure  . Do you know what you can do to keep them  healthy for a whole year  ? We reveal it to you.

Characteristic orchids and other properties

Belonging to the  monocot family  which has up to 25,000 species and among the favorites of flower growers, appreciated both in Spain and in Italy,  orchids flourish in the hottest countries  even though they cannot be born in regions that are too cold, such as in the polar regions. regions or in those that are too arid such as deserts.


Although  their morphology is varied  , distinguishing them is certainly not complicated. Its dimensions vary from  a few millimeters in length up to 13.4 m  like the species  Sobralia altissima. Did you know that some can even weigh  100 kg  ? For example the  Grammatophyllum species  . Even their smell, which is really very pleasant, makes these plants truly extraordinary. With different colors but all beautiful, we are mostly used  to the purple orchid  but did you know that there are also other shades? For example, there is  the blue orchid  which symbolically represents harmony and peace,  the pink orchid  which represents love,  the green orchid  which is rather a symbol of hope. Caring for the orchid is not an absolutely simple thing. Sometimes we may encounter  various errors  that may lead to the  death of our plant. However, there is  a solution to keep it healthy and luxuriant even for a whole year. You just need to do this  process  once a week.

How to have your plant healthy and lush for a year

Orchids  are beautiful plants whose care can, however, be quite demanding. Many people report that they  cannot make their plant survive more than 3 months. How to come?


The answer is simple. If you water it too much or too little and poorly, if you expose it to direct light or if you place it in a very humid environment, you will be responsible for its death  . However, there is a solution that we offer that will allow you to enjoy your beautiful orchid for even just one year. All you have to do is  use one simple ingredient: Epsom salt. Did you know that it is a super fertilizer? Also called  bitter salt  , it is  rich in sulfur and magnesium  and is therefore an  excellent solution for the growth of your orchids  . How can you use it? Simply add it  to your plant’s soil once a week  . Half a glass of salt  is enough. It will then be necessary to rake the soil well so that it absorbs it completely. You will see that with this system  your orchid will not only produce magnificent flowers but that it will be lush all year round  . You can also put Epsom salt directly on the leaves of your orchid using  a mixture  that is easily prepared at home. All you need is  4 liters of water to which you will add two tablespoons of salt  . Then mix well so that  the salt dissolves  and with a spray bottle wet the soil and leaves. As you can see, the solution is still at home. A single ingredient will allow you to enjoy your orchids for even 12 months  ! However, always consider some important factors such as temperature and light. Orchids can withstand a minimum temperature of 16 degrees and a maximum of 24. Ideally, they should be kept in an environment between 20 and 22 degrees. Light is perfect for their flowering but not direct light  as it could burn the flowers and leaves. There is also an important rule for watering it:  it is not recommended to use the one from the tap which is often full of limescale  . Your best bet is to use purified water and water your orchid early in the morning.