Parsley in abundance, just one twig is enough to multiply it infinitely: the method


If you want to multiply parsley to always have it available, this is how you have to do it. By following this one-sprig method you will get a lot of parsley.

infinite parsley

Parsley is a widely used aromatic herb  . Its origins must be sought in the Mediterranean and it is always available. Among the properties of parsley we have antiseptic and carminative properties. It also appears to be able to lower blood sugar. It is also rich in antioxidants and helps maintain bone and tooth health.

However, it must be said that if consumed in large quantities it can cause side effects. In fact, it can cause anemia or liver problems. However, using it in recipes without exaggerating is not a problem and  to always have it available and not have to go buy it every time, you can plant it in a pot  .

parsley - use and benefits

In fact you can multiply it infinitely from a simple branch. Making it is simple and you just need to get a good sprig of parsley from your greengrocer. Next we will see how to plant your parsley plant starting only from a twig  .

Endless parsley – this is how you can do it

As we have said, parsley is widely used and it is usually the greengrocer who gives it to us. But what many people don’t know is that with a single twig you can create a plant so that you always have parsley available. Doing it is not that complicated, but if you don’t have a good green thumb, it is better to seek help.

First you will have to choose a good twig  , it must be at least 4 centimeters long and completely healthy. It should not be too young and should have tufts of leaves on top. Once you have obtained the twig from the fruit shop, remove the leaves at the base.

parsley sprig

Now put the twig in a tall glass with water inside so that the roots sprout  . Place the glass in a bright location but out of direct sunlight, such as a window sill. Pay attention to the temperature, however, it should not be too low, the ideal is around 20°C.

In fact, precisely because parsley needs warm temperatures, the best time to plant it is spring, when temperatures are neither too high nor too low. After a few weeks in the water you will see roots appear. When these are thick enough you can plant the parsley in a pot with soil  .

parsley plant

The soil for planting parsley should be composed of black peat, blonde peat and clay  . The latter helps in drainage by preventing water stagnation. Now that you have gotten your parsley plant, all you have to do is care for it to keep it healthy and leafy.

It will be enough to water it often, especially in the hottest times. But remember not to overdo it, the soil should only be moist. In cold months, bring the plant indoors or cover it with nylon sheets. Additionally  , you can fertilize it in spring with a nitrogen-based fertilizer or compost  . Then you can also try planting some parsley to always have it fresh.