Perfume the house and eliminate all bad smells: 3 leaves of this plant are enough

Bay leaves have been known for their medicinal properties for centuries. Nowadays, in addition to their culinary contribution, they are also used in herbal medicine. Discover in this article another little-known virtue of this plant: perfume the house.

Unpleasant smells can be present in your home for many reasons. Luckily, you don’t have to resort to chemical-based air fresheners. To eliminate them while enjoying a pleasant scent,  you only need 3 bay leaves. 

Why does my house smell bad?

  1. Garbage and trash:   If you don’t clean trash cans and trash containers regularly, they can give off a bad smell.
  2. Pets:   They can leave unpleasant odors behind, especially if they have cleanliness issues or are territorial.
  3. Mold:   If you have problems with moisture or water leaks in your home, this can lead to the growth of mold and mildew that gives off an unpleasant odor.
  4. Rotten Food:   If you have food that has been sitting in your refrigerator or pantry for too long, it can rot and give off a bad smell.
  5. Tobacco:   When you smoke in your home, it can leave a cigarette smell in fabrics, woodwork and walls.
  6. Household chemicals:   Some products may give off a strong, unpleasant odor when used.

How to perfume the house with 3 bay leaves?

One of the easiest and quickest ways   to spread a pleasant smell around the house   without using chemicals is to burn some bay leaves.  To do this, simply place 3 bay leaves in a clay pot and then burn them  . From then on  , the smoke spreads throughout the house to perfume it.  It should be noted that no more than 3 bay leaves should be burned at the same time.  

Bay leaves in a wooden bowl

Bay leaves also have other benefits

While bay leaf spice can spread a pleasant scent throughout the home, it can also calm you and attract abundance and positivity. In fact, it is also known for its spiritual benefits. This is how you benefit from it:

Bay leaf tea for relaxation and stress relief

If it is common to use bay leaves in the preparation of several dishes, it is also possible to use them as an infusion to enjoy a tea with a subtly spicy flavor.

Bay leaf tea

In fact,   this infusion  has  a strengthening and stress-relieving effect that you can enjoy daily  . So if you   suffer from anxiety   and have a worried mind, don’t hesitate to consume it once or twice a day.

If you are a yoga lover, you can also use the calming effects as a supplement. You can therefore consume it before your meditation session or any other yoga practice.

Carrying out full moon and new moon rituals

If you are used to performing lunar rituals, bay leaves can be of great benefit to you. In fact, they attract good energies, especially   those related to abundance  . By using them to celebrate the new moon, they can help you fulfill your desires.

To use them for this purpose, burn a sheet on which you have written your wishes.  You can also put one in your wallet  .

Additionally,  you can also use bay leaves to drive away negativity during lunar rituals. To do this, you just need to burn a few leaves to clean your house or simply drink a tea made from bay leaves to relieve yourself. 

Cleanse your body and home with salt and bay leaf

If you want to practice rituals to attract good luck, money or love, you can use salt in addition to bay leaves. This spice can also be used for energetic cleansing.

You can use it alone by placing bowls filled with sea salt in every room of the house to cleanse your interior. At the same time you can make a bath with bay leaves and salt  .   The leaves and salt work harmoniously to cleanse and invigorate the body and mind  .

However, keep in mind that aside from the benefits and fragrance this plant is known for, its spiritual contribution depends mainly on your state of mind.