Radiators: If you don’t do this before winter, you risk being left in the cold: hurry up

The cold is coming and in addition to cleaning the radiators, it is important to ensure that they are working properly to avoid any inconvenience.

The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are getting cooler in the morning and especially in the evening. As autumn progresses, it will soon be time to turn on the heating, but more importantly, to make sure it is working properly.

Reactivating radiators is the best way to do it
Regardless of whether you have an independent or centralized heating system, the advice for the correct functioning of the radiators is always valid, both to keep the heat as good as possible and to avoid unnecessary consumption without heating.
It may happen that the radiators require a small maintenance after many months of inactivity, but don’t worry, these are all interventions that, provided there are no serious malfunctions, can be carried out independently.

Cleanliness comes first
One of the first pieces of advice is to clean the radiators thoroughly : in addition to avoiding inhaling dust and dirt accumulated during the months of non-use, careful cleaning also ensures better heat emission. There are different ways to clean radiators. A good option is to use a steam cleaner . This tool, often available at reasonable prices, allows you to completely disinfect the radiators thanks to the high temperatures and steam. Alternatively, you can make it with a mixture of hot water and Marseille soap and then clean it with a cloth or sponge (depending on the type of radiator you have at home).
Whichever method you choose, remember to place rags on the floor to avoid soaking the floor and to work safely.

Reactivate the radiator

Bleed radiators
In summer, due to the inactivity of the system, air bubbles can form, preventing the heaters from functioning properly.
If a radiator only heats up to a certain point, it most likely needs to be bled. If it has never been done before, it may seem like a difficult procedure, but in reality it is not that complex.
To work safely it is important to vent cold radiators and therefore ensure the boiler is switched off. The next step is to locate the vent button. Usually it is located in the upper part of the radiator. Once you find it, you need to slowly rotate it counterclockwise. When you open the valve, you should feel the air inside the radiator come out until some water comes out, indicating that all the air has escaped. You can then turn the valve clockwise to close it and check that the radiator heats up completely and not just up to a certain point.
For an autonomous system, always check the water pressure indicated by the boiler , which must be between 1 and 1.3 bar.

Understand any malfunctions
After cleaning and bleeding, the proper functioning of the radiators must be checked. Although some more modern boilers will indicate problems or malfunctions, you can judge for yourself if something is wrong.
Signs that cannot be overlooked are certainly operating noises or water leaks . An unevenly heated radiator when it has already been bled can also be an indication that something is wrong.
In this case, it is advisable to contact a technician before commissioning to avoid complications with the system.
As a final piece of advice, given the recent increases, we recommend not placing objects on radiators as this limits heat distribution. If you need to dry an item of clothing, simply place it on a chair in front of the radiator. The heat released is sufficient for this purpose.