Recycling tip of the day: reuse fruit nets in this way

Summer encourages us to change our diet by eating more fruits and vegetables. The most recommended fruits  include melon and watermelon, which have a filling but also thirst-quenching effect.  Raspberries and  blackberries are  also recommended  due to their high vitamin and nutrient content   After all, we don’t miss out on the delicious peaches, cherries or strawberries.

Recycling tip of the day: reuse fruit nets in this way

Because of this high  fruit consumption  , you surely have a lot of nets at home. If we tend to throw them away, we should know that it is a bad habit. In fact,  these little bags can be reused at home.

You will need a string and your fruit net.  Slide the string through the holes in the net and parallel to the outer edges  . Then follow these steps:

  1.       Insert multiple meshes into the area you created.
  2.       Close well so that a kind of  sponge  is created;
  3.       Tie a knot to hold the sponge in place.
  4.       Add some dish soap to it and you’ll have a DIY sponge that  ‘s less aggressive than the metal sponge used to clean pans.

Another way to recycle nets

  1.       Cut a  fruit net  into small pieces;
  2.       Half-cover a glass vase with water.
  3.       Tie with an elastic band and tie everything together with a fabric ribbon;
  4.       Place the flowers in the glass vase and insert them through the holes in the fruit net. This will give you a  sturdy bouquet of flowers.

You can also  use the fruit net to store your shower supplies or DIY at Halloween parties.