Revive a faded orchid thanks to the florists’ trick: it will bloom again

Hardy, undemanding and easy to grow, orchids are very popular plants and are a big hit with houseplant fans. However, they can wither and die if not cared for properly. Unfortunately, an orchid that is deflowered or has soft, wrinkled leaves is much less decorative and pleasing to the eye.

To remedy this, there is a trick to bring your orchids back to life and bloom again. Instead of throwing away your favorite plants, you can revive and care for them, as Martin Davesne, florist from Hauts-de-France, explains.

How to revive an orchid so that it blooms again?

In order for your orchids to last as long as possible, they need to be well maintained. These indoor plants with white, yellow or blue flowers are very sensitive to cold. Even if they don’t require much attention, sometimes  these flowers fade depending on their variety and season.  To revive your orchids, you can simply adopt this trick. It will allow you to save your houseplant without buying another one.

Also read: Most people put the orchid in the wrong place, which is why it does not bloom

  • Cut the stems of your wilted orchids
Cut the wilted flowers of an orchid

To save your orchid, you must first remove all the faded flowers and let your plant rest for a few days before  starting the procedure.  Position yourself at the base of the orchid, count two buds and then cut one of the stems one centimeter above the third bud and below the stem so that your orchid has beautiful growth again. In addition, it will encourage the production of new flowers. After some time, a first sprout should appear accompanied by small sprouts. Later, after 2 to 3 months, a second flowering may take place. By following this advice to the letter, your orchids could, in fact, continue to bloom for another three to five years.

Here are some other tips to get your orchid to bloom again.

To grow your orchids, you must pay attention to their maintenance, as they do not like heat and prefer humid atmospheres.

  • Store your orchid in a place at the right temperature

After pruning  your orchid with sterilized pruning shears,  you should place it somewhere away from heat. Your flowering plant should be placed at a temperature of 15°C (make sure the temperature does not drop below 13°C). When spring comes, when the frost ends, you can put it outside. Outdoor temperatures during the months of May through September will not do any harm to your orchids.

white orchid
  • Water your orchid with a little water

Orchids need water and  a constantly humid environment  for proper maintenance. In the summer season, these plants need to be watered every week. When temperatures are colder, they should be watered every ten to fifteen days. It is best not to overwater an orchid, as it does not tolerate excess water. Of course, if the soil is still moist, there is no need to hydrate it again.

Read also: How to reproduce an orchid to infinity and have beautiful flowers at home? All you need is a plastic bottle

  • Repot Your Orchid So It Blooms Properly

Orchids need to be transplanted every two or three years  to have good growth. If you notice that the roots are coming out of the pot, it is a sign that your plant needs more space to flourish. Otherwise, you can also continue the operation if you see that the roots of your orchid are moldy. This may be due to excess water. First of all, to install your flowering plant in a new pot, you need to make a new substrate with sphagnum moss, pine bark, and clay balls. Then lightly moisten this solution and then remove the orchid from its pot to remove the substrate around the roots. Finally, remove the old flat roots and keep only the ones filled with sap. In your new pot, place the new substrate, place all the roots inside holding the orchid at the base and fill the container with substrate, being careful to put a little between the roots. Handle everything well and place a stake if necessary to support your plant.

Orchids in bloom

If your orchid is no longer blooming, know that there is nothing alarming about it. Simply follow the tips presented above to revive it!

Read also : Do ​​not water orchids with water: water them with this for spectacular flowering