Stained carpet: Do not throw it away. If you cannot remove the stain, get it back as follows | A recycling idea you shouldn’t miss

Your favorite carpet has stains and you don’t know what to do? So you can restore it quickly and easily thanks to this method.

Recycle carpet

What could be nicer than an artfully decorated room with a  large rug  that extends into the living room? Carpets are truly beautiful home furnishings, all made from different materials and patterns. In addition, carpets are very useful for  making the floor  of a room  warmer,  allowing you to walk around the living room barefoot and freely.

It can happen to anyone that, accidentally or through distraction,  something falls onto the carpet  and ruins it beyond repair. Unfortunately, because carpets are made of different fabrics and materials, they can be very difficult  to remove  and  disinfect,  leaving you with only one conclusion: you  just have to throw them away. However, in reality, throwing away a carpet because of a stain would be a big mistake, since it is possible to restore it in various ways using innovative methods  .

Stained carpet? Don’t worry thanks to this method

Painting carpet

There are many people who, when a  carpet is stained,  decide to throw it away, wasting a beautiful and essential resource for their home and the style of their home.

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However, in fact it is possible to restore a carpet using a simple technique that will give it new life and make it even more  beautiful  and  interesting.  We’re talking about personalizing the pattern with  washable paint!


Whether you have new or old carpet, throwing it away because of a stain can be a terrible  mistake  . That’s why personalizing it with stencils and washable paint is really  useful  and  creative,  and you also don’t risk getting dirty.

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First you need to  buy or create stencils  by printing them on paper and cutting them out. Then you need to  use tape  to create lines  , borders or some geometric patterns that you can color later.

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At this point it is possible to apply the stencils and color the inside of the stencils  with paint  using a dishwashing  pad  or  sponge and give a different color to the shapes obtained with the paper tape. After removing the tape and stencils, you need to let the carpet dry for a day and voila, you have  given new life to your stained carpet.