The 4 Best Oils for Fuller, Fuller, Defined Brows

In recent years,   bushy, thick and defined eyebrows   are undoubtedly a trend, but how is it possible to achieve this effect, perhaps after spending years and years plucking them? Not to mention, as you age, your hair becomes thinner and tends to be thinner.

Makeup offers an immediate solution, but not always cheap and certainly not ideal for those who want to avoid excessive use of chemicals. If what you are looking for is   to increase the volume of your eyebrows   permanently and naturally, below we offer you some oils that will suit you.

1. Almond oil

Rich in vitamins A and E and trace elements, proteins and fatty acids, almond oil revitalizes damaged hair and reduces hair loss. Vitamin E, in particular, helps combat seborrheic dermatitis and stimulates hair growth.

Pour a tablespoon of almond oil (about 10-15 drops) into a container and moisten a cotton ball to rub directly on the eyelashes. Repeat twice a day.

2. Castor oil

It is obtained from castor beans and is rich in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that reduces inflammation and improves follicle health by stimulating hair growth.

Wash your face thoroughly before going to bed and apply some castor oil to your eyebrows with a cotton ball. Massage hair for 2-3 minutes to stimulate oil absorption.

3. Coconut oil

Very rich in vitamin E, it has antioxidant properties that help prevent premature aging. It also contains proteins that can repair tissues and improve cellular health.

Apply a generous amount of coconut oil to your eyelashes, massaging for about 10 minutes every night before bed.

4. Rosemary oil

This excellent oil has the ability to improve blood circulation, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to flow to the follicles.

Thanks to this property, rosemary oil stops hair loss and keeps eyebrows clean. Apply a small amount of oil to your eyelashes and massage to absorb.

Now that you know which are the   4 most effective oils to stimulate eyebrow hair growth   , try applying them to choose the most effective one.