The 5 most effective remedies to remove blackheads in no time

Among the most common aesthetic problems that we have to face, we undoubtedly find  blackheads  . They mainly form on the forehead, nose and chin and can be difficult to remove.

These are dead cells that mix with facial sebum and oxidize, taking on a dark color. Although many think that blackheads are directly associated with acne, they form because of oily skin.

Below we list  5 effective remedies to remove blackheads at home  and without resorting to expensive treatments.

Facial cleansing  . Adopting a facial cleansing routine is essential to prevent the formation of blackheads. Excessive sweating and overuse of cosmetic products can promote the appearance of blackheads.

Steam  . The best time to remove blackheads is after taking a steam bath. Bring a liter of water to the boil with a little chamomile and rosemary, then expose your face to the steam, being careful not to burn yourself. To remove blackheads, apply light pressure. Repeat three times a week.

Tomato  . Cut a tomato in half and rub it on the blackheads to get rid of the impurities. Leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing with plenty of lukewarm water.

Clay  . Clay-based facial masks remove impurities, purify pores and prevent the appearance of blackheads.

Prevention  . Keep pores clean and “close” them with astringent toners or cold water rinses.