The ancient custom of placing laurel under the pillow: this is why our grandparents did it

Over the centuries, many traditions and customs have been passed down from generation to generation, each carrying symbolism and deep meanings.

One of these ancient customs that has resisted the passage of time is that of placing bay leaves under the pillow, a ritual that it was particularly widespread among our grandparents. But why was this practice so widespread, and what benefits was it believed to bring?

A bit of history on the meaning of laurel

Laurel, or Laurus nobilis, is an aromatic plant known since ancient times for its fragrant leaves and symbolic properties. In Greek mythology, laurel was associated with Daphne, a nymph loved by the god Apollo. Daphne, to escape the attentions of Apollo, was transformed into a laurel tree by Gaia, the Earth. Later, Apollo adopted the laurel as a symbol of glory and victory.

This mythological connection has influenced many cultures over time, leading to the laurel being considered a symbol of triumph, wisdom and prosperity. The custom of placing laurel under the pillow may be linked to these ancient beliefs and the desire to attract blessings and success in daily life. a>

The benefits of this ancient custom

  1. Restful sleep: Many believed that the presence of laurel under the pillow promoted peaceful and restful sleep. The plant’s delicate aroma may have had a calming effect, inducing deeper sleep, relieving stress and anxiety.
  2. Good luck and prosperity: The laurel, associated with glory and victory, may have been considered a bringer of good luck. Placing it under the pillow could be interpreted as a symbolic gesture to attract success and prosperity in life.
  3. Feeling of safety: The smell of bay leaves may have contributed to a feeling of safety and comfort. In times past, when many people lived in more difficult conditions, symbolic gestures like this could have a positive psychological impact.
  4. Preserving dreams: In some traditions, laurel was believed to have the power to preserve and improve the memory of dreams. Placing it under the pillow may therefore have been associated with the hope of remembering important or prophetic dreams.

Although the custom of putting laurel under the pillow is less widespread today, its fascinating history and the possible reasons behind this ritual offer us a glimpse into the world of popular beliefs of the past.

Traditions like these remind us how symbolism and culture have played a significant role in people’s daily lives, influencing their habits and perceptions of the world around them.

While some of us may smile at these practices as mere superstitions, it is always interesting to explore the roots of such customs and reflect on their legacy in the context of our modern understanding of the world.